Litter #5


Litter Born August 31, 2009, SR581829
Sire: GMH HRCH UH Tidewaters Weekend Gladiator Can/Am CD WCX MH, CCA OS ("Drake")
Dam: Fern Hill Pennyroyal CDX JH NAP RE CGC TDI SR262975/06
(AFC AFTCH Rosehill's Mr. Speaker MH OS FDHF CCA x Adirondac Hilfy of Fern Hill CDX OD CCA TDI CGC ASCA-CD)
Penny whelped 11 puppies (7 boys, 4 girls), on August 31, 2009, and proved to be a wonderful mother.
The sire of this litter, Drake, is an outstandingly sweet and very accomplished field dog who has also shown well in obedience. He is a superior house dog and pet as well as
a top competition working dog, and has earned his Outstanding Sire title from the Golden Retriever Club of America based on the success of his progeny. He
has also earned the CCA (Certificate of Conformation Assessment) in recognition of his good looks and conformance to the Golden Retriever standard.
This is Penny's first litter. Her sire is the renowned Mr. Speaker who lived until just a few months shy of his 16th birthday. Her dam is our beautiful
and brilliant Hilfy, who has had 26 outstanding puppies that are making names for themselves in field, obedience,
search and rescue, agility, rally, and police work as well as family pets. We expect this litter to grow up as talented, sweet, cooperative, and highly trainable
dogs in any working venue. To see a pedigree for this breeding, look here.
All the puppies from this litter have now gone to wonderful homes from New York to California and many points in between.
For general information on getting a puppy from us in the future, refer to our Puppy Information Page
or contact us via email .

Drake's official portrait

Penny, February 2008

Penny and Drake get acquainted, 3/30/09

Drake in Kentucky, 3/30/09

Penny, a lady in waiting -- August 27, 2009
Click on a puppy name below (listed in birth order) to go to baby pictures of that puppy and links to each puppy's own page.
The "Puppies" links will take you to pictures and videos of puppies in groups.

Merlin, aka Limegreen Boy
Born first, this guy was one of the three heaviest puppies in the litter, and one of the darkest red. Penny said "Ouch!"
when he was born! He has a white patch on his chest like his Dad, and a couple of white toes that seem to be vanishing as he ages. He is sturdy, charming, playful, noisy (must
be Penny's dad, Mr. Speaker, coming through!) and athletic. He was the first to learn how to climb out of the laundry basket where I stash them
during box cleaning, on 9/21/09, the first to climb over the raised end of the whelping box, and one of the first to make it up the big step from
the entry. He was the last to leave home, and we very much enjoyed getting to spend extra time with this handsome, sweet and cooperative puppy!
For more pictures and updates from his family,
see Merlin's page.

Merlin went home with Fran Yardley and husband Burdette Parks to Saranac Lake, NY. This is like going back to
the old family home, as Merlin's grandmother Hilfy was born very near there, and Fran and Burdette used to own Hilfy's older half
brother. Merlin will enjoy being the center of attention!

Limegreen at 6 weeks, 10/11/09

Limegreen, 5 weeks 10/04/09

Limegreen, 3 weeks 09/20/09

One Week Portrait, 9/7/09

Duke, aka Yellow Boy
Born about 15 minutes after his brother, he was another heavyweight. He has no white and will be a medium red. He was
a little quieter than some of the others early on, but woke up at about three weeks and hasn't stopped since. He was determined and crafty
in getting his share (and more) of the food! He was one of the waggiest-tailed and more active puppies in the lot. He is a wonderful 'follower'
in the yard, and except for short stops to pick up leaves, almost heels already. In addition, he won the round-robin pheasant wing tournament
and is the birdiest puppy in the litter.
For more pictures and updates from his family,
see Duke's page.
Duke now lives with Nina Aversano and Larry Boudria, along with his uncle Jake and two other Goldens. He spends half the
time in Florida (winters!) and the remainder of the year in New Jersey. Duke is working on Rally and Obedience with Larry. Great situation for a great pup!
Picture coming soon!

Yellow Boy, 10/14/09

Yellow Boy, 5 weeks, 10/04/09

Yellow Boy, 4 weeks, 9/28/09

One Week Portrait, 9/7/09

Crosley, aka Red Boy
He was one of the four smallest puppies at birth -- but strong and active. He had a tiny white
line in his forehead that had vanished by the time he left Fern Hill, and will be a medium-dark red. He is cute,
sweet and playful. I originally predicted that he would end up looking more like Penny than Drake, but at six months
he's a big boy who looks more like Drake and his grandmother Hilfy. He's a very delightful and cooperative puppy!
For more pictures and updates from his family,
see Crosley's page.

Red Boy, now named Crosley, went home with Dr. Mike and Connie Holbert and their daughter on October 18, 2009.
He will be a much loved family pet, and Connie is thinking of trying some obedience with him. He has a lot
of talent in that area and we wish them all the best!

Red Boy, 6 weeks, 10/09/09

Red Boy, 5 weeks, 10/04/09

Red Boy, 3 weeks, 9/20/09

One week portrait, 9/7/09

Mona, aka Shell Pink Girl
A girl at last! This very feminine and pretty-faced puppy was the first to master the art of walking, and
the first to notice and initiate play with the other puppies. Affectionate, cooperative and
outgoing, she liked to carry leaves and sticks in her mouth when we were outside. She was slightly more dignified
and a bit quieter than the other girls -- a matter of degree only as a puppy!
For more pictures and updates from her new owner,
see Mona's page.

Mona, who was known here as Shellpink, now lives with Jes Hupe of Richmond, VA where she will be a pet and
therapy dog and may end up getting to try out some obedience. Jes is on the right; her friend Liz is on
the left and of course Mona is center stage where she is convinced she belongs!

Shellpink Girl, 5 weeks, 10/04/09

Shellpink Girl, 9/30/09

Shellpink Girl, 3 weeks, 09/20/09

Day old portrait, 9/1/09

Black Boy
This boy was another of the smaller boys at birth and seems to favor Penny's size and build. A strong, active puppy, he enjoyed playing with
his brothers and sisters and was especially fond of attacking the stuffed skunk and other toys in the whelping box and puppy room. He had
a tiny white line in his forehead that had pretty well disappeared by the time he left Fern Hill, and also has a couple
of white toes which may vanish as well. With his especially appealing little face and charming manner, you wouldn't expect him
to be one of the boldest explorers, but he is -- the outside is intensely interesting!
For more pictures and updates from his family,
see Barley's page.

Barley, who was known here as Black Boy, now lives with Mark Letizi and Maggie Brewer and their sons John and Danny in
Massachusetts, where he will be a pet and Mark's hunting companion.

Black Boy, 6 weeks, 10/11/09

Black Boy, 5 weeks, 10/4/09

Black Boy, 3 weeks, 9/20/09

One Week portrait, 9/7/09

Fern Hill High Crest Heidi, aka White Girl
Another girl! She was one of the lighter puppies, and will probably be Penny's color when she is
mature -- light red-gold with blond feathering. She was one of the first to start wrestling with toys
and other puppies, and is very sweet with people as well. She is a 'licker' and can spend long minutes
slurping busily on your hand, ear, arm ... whatever is within reach!
For more pictures and updates from her family,
see Heidi's page.

Heidi didn't move too far from us, just down to Chattanooga atop Signal Mountain, where she is now living
with her new owners Dr. George and Judy Seiters. She is just as thrilled with them as they are with her, and
is looking forward to her career in competition obedience once she gets Judy properly trained.

White Girl, 4 weeks, 10/4/09

White Girl as Kilroy, 10/4/09

White Girl, 3 weeks, 9/20/09

One week portrait, 9/7/09

Fern Hill Rally Round the Flag, aka Dark Blue Boy
Rally was a very pretty lighter red puppy who will also probably be about Penny's color when he grows up. Like Penny,
he was born with a very narrow white line in his forehead which vanished at about 8 weeks. He was
a virtual twin of Rosepink Girl in size, color and overall appearance -- from the top, his white spot and collar
color were the only ways to tell them apart. He is an active puppy who loves to pounce on leaves. He spent an unfortunate
couple of months in Southern California with an initial owner who did not work out for him, and then returned home where he
enjoyed lots of exercise, a more consistent diet, and the company of other dogs as well as plenty of people attention.
Then he moved to Ohio where he now lives with Mike and Connie Holbert and his littermate Crosley. Rally is a charming boy
with a good mind and we have high hopes for his future with the Holberts!
For more pictures and updates about this boy,
see Rally's page.

Rally is pictured here with his new owners, the Holberts, in the end of March when he went to his forever home. He will
enjoy playing with his littermate Crosley after a five month break, and will learn obedience as well. A happy ending for a
very sweet puppy!

Darkblue Boy, 6 weeks, 10/11/09

Darkblue Boy, 5 weeks, 10/4/09

Darkblue Boy, 4 weeks 9/28/09

One Week portrait, 9/7/09

Fern Hill Cabela Rose, aka Bella, aka Rose Pink Girl
As a puppy, Bella was silky and sleek. She doesn't have any white and will be a medium red. She's one of the early
walkers and probably the prettiest of the girls overall. She's affectionate and playful, charming and loves
to explore. She also tested out with great hunting potential, very birdy and retrievey.
For more pictures and updates from his family,
see Bella's page.

Bella has moved to the Dayton, Ohio area with her new family, Tim and Margo Fritz and their children. She will be a
family pet and hunting companion dog for Tim.

Rosepink Girl at 6 weeks, 10/10/09

Rosepink Girl, 5 weeks, 10/4/09

Rosepink Girl, 3 weeks, 9/20/09

One Week portrait, 9/7/09

Fern Hill Rock the Boat aka "Laker" aka Sky Blue Boy
One of the four smallest at birth, this lighter/medium red boy grew rapidly. From the first, he was a scrambler,
a bit feisty but still a cuddler, and quite active!
For more pictures and updates from his family,
see Laker's page.

Laker's family, Brian and Robin Lasey and their children, live in Arkansas. Laker is slated for a career in
competition agility.

Skyblue Boy, 5 weeks, 10/4/09

Skyblue Boy, 4 weeks

One week portrait, 9/7/09

Day old portrait, 9/1/09

Cayanne, aka Forest Green Girl
The last and the smallest of the four girls at birth, and the smallest overall, she was one of the most vigorous nursers. NO ONE knocked
her away from the milk! As a result, by the time she left home, she was the biggest of the four girls. She was the darkest of the girls and one
of the darkest overall -- we predict she will be a lovely deep red, with a small white patch on her chest. She had the cutest habit of craning
her neck to see you better!
For more pictures and updates from her family,
see Cayanne's page.

Cayanne has moved to the Chicago area with her new family, Diana and Daryle Burt and their daughter. The Burts have a
summer house on Lake Michigan, so there are good opportunities for swimming and boating in her future!

Forest Girl at 6 weeks, 10/11/09

Forest Girl, 5 weeks, 10/4/09

Forest Girl, 3 weeks, 9/20/09

One week portrait, 9/7/09

Fern Hill Sunrise at the Ryman, formerly White Boy
There were so many puppies, we ran out of different rickrack colors by the time number eleven arrived! No confusing him
with White Girl though -- in addition to being different sexes and sizes, he has a small white spot on his forehead
and may have some white on his chest. He was a big boy from the first, second largest overall at the time the puppies started going home
at 8 weeks. He was sweet and cooperative and looked a lot like his Daddy.
For more pictures and updates about Ryman,
see Ryman's page.

This is Ardith Osborn, who lives near Oakland, California, pictured with her new puppy Ryman and Ryman's mom Penny on October 28, 2009. Ardith
plans to train Ryman for hunt competition. Her older dog Henley, a handsome Golden, is nearly finished with his Senior Hunter title.

White Boy, 5 weeks, 10/4/09

White Boy, 4 weeks, 9/28/09

White Boy, 3 weeks, 9/20/09

One week portrait, 9/7/09

6 1/2 week old puppies in puppy room, 10/14/09

Jungle jim chair, 10/8/09

New place to sleep, 10/1/09

Happy to see us, 10/04/09

Reconfigured puppy room, 09/30/09

Tired puppies, 9/28/09

Outdoor exploration?, 9/28/09

Puppysitting outside, 9/28/09

Puppies outside, 9/28/09

Eating puppy slush from the fing feeder, 9/23/09

Penny wearing her puppy skirt, 9/19/09

Middle-sized Puppies -- the Pinks, White Girl, and Darkblue 9/19/09


Puppies -- 9/13/09

McKenzie with one of the puppies, 9/10/09

Family photo at one week, 9/7/09


Puppies -- 9/6/09

Flowers for Penny, 9/3/09

Penny and one-day old puppies -- 9/1/09

Monday evening puppy pile -- 8/31/09

Penny has just finished delivering number 11! 8/31/09

Puppy Videos

254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-300-7607; text or leave message for callback
This site © 2001-2010 by
Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised March 28, 2010