Stud Dogs

At Stud
We do not own any male dogs ourselves. However, some of our Fern Hill puppies have gone through the process necessary to
be used at stud. This requires passing all clearances recommended by the GRCA for hips, elbows, eyes, heart, along with certain other
tests for various genetic conditions. Those that have completed this process and are currently available for stud are listed below.
If you are interested in considering a breeding, please contact the owner directly. A current email link and geographical locations are included in each listing.
Fern Hill Triple Echo Remy MH (Remy) MH, SS167172/07
Full clearances, excellent hips, clear for icthyosis and all three PRA genes, clear for NCL. Remi was born January 28, 2020, by
Bravhart KC Run For The Border MH QA2 WCX OS ("Jessie")
out of our AFC The Sunday Swimmer daughter Fern Hill Sunday At The Zoo SR96378601 ("Zoey") . Remi is a well built and very athletic
dog with high intelligence, excellent trainability, and an outstanding disposition. He is an excellent marker not only in competition but out in the hunting field,
and shares house space with two of his daughters and several cats. He is amateur owned
and trained.
Remy lives in Missouri. Contact owner
Bruce Miller; also see Remy's Page for further information.
His entry on K9Data.com is here.
Remy has not sired any litters yet.

Remy at 2 years, February 2022

254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-300-7607; text or leave message for callback
This site © 2001-2024 by
Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised June 20, 2024