Litter #1!!


Litter born May 28, 2005
Sire: AFC AFTCH Rosehill's Mr. Speaker MH OS FDHF CCA
Dam: Adirondac Hilfy of Fern Hill CDX OD CCA TDI CGC ASCA-CD SR017085/01
(SR Highland Hoya MH WCX OS #SN404168/12 x Adirondac My-Tee Marcy MH,CDX,WCX,Can WC,OD,CCA,TDI,CGC #SN480493/01)

Hilfy the rotund, May 23, 2005

Rosehill's Mr. Speaker, 2002
Hilfy's first litter -- and our first litter as Fern Hill Golden Retrievers -- was born May 28, 2005.
There were 6 girls and 2 boys, all strong and healthy.
We kept one of these puppies (Penny) and the rest scattered across the country. One went to
Seattle, Washington as a Search and Rescue dog; four went to hunting and/or competition homes in Kentucky, Tennessee,
Arkansas, and Wisconsin; one went to an active pet home in Oklahoma; and our local vet, who has taken care of
our animals for 20 years, took one home with her.
This was an outstanding litter of gorgeous, well-conformed, smart and ultra-sweet puppies that all tested
out as outstanding working prospects and did well in their various fields. Thanks to the seven special
families who took care of these dogs throughout their lives. We thoroughly enjoyed meeting you all and have enjoyed the friendships
that have developed as the puppies grew up and grew old. The last man standing from this litter was Beau,
who passed away at 14 years and 7 months, the day after Christmas 2019.
Click on a name below (listed in birth order) to go to baby pictures of that puppy and links to each puppy's own page.
You can also get to each puppy's page via the links filed under Litter Members in the drop down menu above.
The "Puppies" link will take you to pictures of puppies in groups.

Abby Rose
Abby was our firstborn. As a puppy, she was bold and bossy, charming, and a little noisy.
She's gone to live with the Gyorogs
of Wisconsin to be a housepet, hunting dog, and companion (pesty little sister) to their beautiful
Speaker grandson Casey. For more pictures and updates from her family,
see Abby's page.

Abby goes home with the Gyorogs, 7/15/05 |

Abby Asleep, 7/6/05 |

Abby, June 10 (2 weeks)
Chief, the first boy, was born right after Abby. The two of them could be twins in looks and personality!
As a puppy, he was brash, very friendly, a real clown, and loved to wrestle with his littermates. He's a
talker like his Dad, and is medium red. His registered name is Fernhill's Hard Charging Chief AKC SR26297502, and he
has gone to West Tennessee to hunt pheasant/ducks/geese and be a housepet with the Turpens. You can see more
pictures and updates from his family at Chief's page.

Chief with Donna and Scott Turpen of West Tennessee.

Chief bounding thru grass, July 2, 2005

Chief, June 1
Princess Elizabeth of Fernhill (Lis) was born third,
just a few minutes after Chief. She was a slightly lighter color and a
little less stocky than the first two. She is sweet and a bit quieter than Abby and Chief, with
a particularly lovely face. She is very, very friendly. She has gone to live in
Oklahoma City with the Walkers, to be the special dog of their daughter Mackenzie. Look for updates
and new pictures on Lis's Page.

Lis says goodbye to Hilfy as she heads out the door with the Walkers' friend Carol.

Lis, nearly 6 weeks - July 6

Lis, June 1
Rain Beaux of Fern Hill SR262975/04, was born fourth, shortly after Lis.
She's a medium red with a particularly silky-feeling coat. As a puppy, she was stout, sweet, adventurous,
extremely hungry, playful and had the brightest shoe-button eyes!
I called her our "Thinker" because you could see the gears work when she was trying to figure
something out. The biggest pup in the litter, she's gone to
live with Jim Wallace, the curator and guiding light behind the
National Ornamental Metal Museum in Memphis, TN. During the week she will be the museum dog
and official greeter. On the weekends, she will be Mr. Wallace's hunting partner in Arkansas.

Rain with Jim Wallace of Memphis.

Rain studies the situation (July 4 - 5.5 weeks)

Rain, June 1, 3 days
Our second and last boy, Beau was born fifth, just before Hilfy took an hour and a half break.
He was one of the lightest puppies and was almost a "twin" to the sixth puppy, Penny.
He was a very pretty and cuddly puppy with long silky ears, but he was always ready for any kind of
rough and tumble play. He's gone to live with Marty and Diana Kurzendoerfer and their senior dog
Tuck in Louisville, Kentucky, where he is a housepet/shop greeter/hunting buddy. His registered name is
Fernhill Gandalf's Beau SR26297505.

Beau with the Kurzendoerfers.

Beau with bucket, July 2, 2005

Beau, June 10
Born sixth, Fern Hill Pennyroyal CDX JH NAP RE CGC TDI SR262975/06 (Penny for short), was the puppy we decided to
keep for ourselves. Selecting her was a hard decision, as we would have been happy with any
of the puppies in this litter. She was one of the lightest puppies in color,
and is about one shade lighter than Hilfy with silky blond feathering.
Penny was sturdy and brave even as a very young puppy, very outgoing and friendly, and was the
first to learn how to lap milk out of a bowl. She was one of the clowns of the litter, and
could be found in some really silly positions. She still can! For more pictures, see Penny's page.

Penny in the Mondo Grass (July 5, 2005)

Penny, June 10
The seventh puppy, Fern Hill Jenna Lenhard SR262975/07, reminded us of an apple-head doll
with her appealing, wrinkly little face. She was one of the friendliest puppies, very stoutly
built, and a bit of a talker. She was the darkest and reddest of the pups, and was the immediate
favorite of our vet, Dr. Andrea Lenhard of Jackson Square Animal Clinic, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. We are happy
that Jenna is living close by, and although we don't see her often we hear many tales of her exploits
at the house and in the lake. For updates, see Jenna's page.

Jenna in the Mondo grass (July 5)

Jenna, June 10 - 13 days old
Athena was born last after another hour and a half break. She was the smallest puppy, but
was full of energy and liked to talk. She was always stirring up trouble with her littermates,
and was the first to learn how to climb out of the whelping box, scramble up the a pile of
stacked boxes, and use the outdoor dog pen as a ladder to go up and out.
She was another lighter colored puppy, and has a truly lovely face. She has gone to
Seattle, Washington to learn to be a search and rescue dog. For more pictures and updates,
see Athena's page.

Athena with her new owner Quincy Vidauri, August 8, 2005

Side view of Athena, July 15

Athena, June 1 (3 days)

Here's 6, where are the rest? (July 14)

Hilfy grits her teeth (July 15)

Jim and puppy at the barn (July 14)

Penny and Jenna (July 9)

Who's for dinner? (July 6)

Puppy Love (July 4)

Charge of the Light Brigade, July 2 (5 weeks)

Fun with a bucket, July 2

Feeding Frenzy, July 2. Hilfy says they've turned into little barracudas!

Exploring the wading pool, July 2 (5 weeks)

Playing outside, June 23. That's Beau, Abby, and Rain

Puppy bouquet -- Lis and Jenna, June 22

A new way to eat! June 20, 2005. The pups still nurse, but this helps Hilfy out some.

Puppies at 3 weeks -- June 17, 2005

June 17, 2005. Playtime!

Hilfy nursing, June 15, 2005. She's an old hand at this now. The puppies have tripled in size!

Puppy pile, June 10, 2005.

Beau and Athena, June 10

Hilfy and Lis, June 10

Got Milk? First meal not from Mom, 6/10/05 (13 days)

Athena, Penny, and Chief, 6/1/05 (3 days)

Hilfy with her newborn puppies, May 28, 2005. Left to right: Lis, Chief (boy), Rain,
Abby, Penny, Beau (boy), Jenna, and Athena.

254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-300-7607; text or leave message for callback
This site © 2001-2020 by
Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised June 9, 2020