Chief's Page


Fernhill's Hard Charging Chief SR262975/02
Sire: AFC AFTCH Rosehill's Mr. Speaker MH OS FDHF CCA
Dam: Adirondac Hilfy of Fern Hill CDX OD CCA TDI CGC ASCA-CD SR017085/01
Born May 28, 2005

Chief and a massive goose, January 2008
Chief, who was originally known as Turquoise Boy, was Hilfy's second
puppy born May 28, 2005. He was a virtual twin to his sister Abby -- both of them
dark red, high energy, with very similar faces and personalities. He is now owned by the Turpens in West Tennessee
who bought him as a hunting partner and housepet. Scott does a lot of goose hunting, and the Turpens have two young
daughters, so Chief stays busy!
News about Chief
January 15, 2013. Sorry for being so long getting back with you but we had a new addition to the family back in September
so we've been busy. Chief's not acting his age AT ALL and he's been accused of posing for some photos. He's lazy around the house
but a different dog when the trailer or boat is hooked up.
September 12, 2009. Chief is hunting geese again. Picture is from a race with a crippled goose -- Chief won by a leg!

Chief in hot pursuit, above. On the right, Chief is bringing back his prize with a big smile on his face. This goose
isn't much smaller than he is! |
January 17.
Chief's doing fine. He goes hunting every time I go, which has been limited this year. But he loves retrieving geese -- although not as much as I like
watching him retrieve them. He's saved us alot of walking this year on the few hunts where we were successful. One hunt we had a goose
walking up to the decoys and Chief stayed steady the whole time. If I had made any noise at all, Chief would've been on him. I had to
be careful NOT to say his name.

Chief with his geese -- that's Scott on the far right.

Chief bringing his geese ashore. |
News from the Turpens, January 2008
Chief doing his thing.... (see picture above of him with the massive goose).
News from the Turpens, 2007
November 30, 2007:
Here's a picture from the October goose season. Chief hasn't had
much practice on real birds but we train a lot and he's a natural at
retrieving. He's got a his own blind now and hopefully this season
he'll get more real birds. He and my daughter Sarah also have a good
relationship, she holds her hand out and he licks her hands.

A good haul |

Chief in the blind |
News from the Turpens, December 2006
We had 2 geese come in and got both of them. Chief went after the
cripple before I could stop him, I thought a chase was on but he got
to the goose, grabbed him and headed back to shore with it like he'd
done it 1000 times. He'd never retrieved a goose before, much less a cripple.

Chief and Sarah, Christmas 2006

Trophies |

Chief's first goose |
News from the Turpens, September 2006
Chief went on his first real hunt Friday for the opening of Dove
season. He retrieved over 20 birds half of which were blind
retrieves into standing corn. He got 8 of my birds and the rest were
birds shot by my friends and people near me if they couldn't find
them. I was a little worried about him and real birds since the only
ones he'd worked with were frozen ducks. Justin Tackett (host of DU's
WaterDog) told me that if he ever got around real birds that his
genes would kick in and he had some awesome genes. He did great after
the first dove, I had to help a little there, but the Force Fetch kicked in.
On Saturday he when went goose hunting with us but we never got
anything for him to retrieve. See picture above of Chief after this hunt
with his trophies.

Chief after a hunt, 9/1/06
News from the Turpens, June 1, 2006
Thank you for the birthday wishes --it doesn't seem like a year already. Chief has really become a pretty good dog.
The obedience took a while but most of the time it is acceptable minus the clown episodes. Amazing what it takes for
a strong willed dog. I have been force fetching him for the last couple of weeks, nothing like the professional
trainers do but he gets the concept. He weighs about 70 lbs now and is solid as a rock.
He took up wiring for a few months and rewired my boat trailer a couple of times. Enough that I had to rewire the
whole 20 ft trailer. Also tried his hand at sheet rocking. The quality of the finishing work lacks a little.
I am beginning to wonder if he has a beaver in his bloodline. He is always doing some sort of lumber work.
Hope to have a JH or a SH title on him this fall.
News from the Turpens, December 22, 2005
Here is Chief on his first hunt [almost 7 months old]. Doesn't quite have
the concept down that he's supposed to bring the duck back but he went
after a cripples really hard. He is doing doubles with dummies, fairly
consistently and retrieves real, dead ducks in the yard. This first hunt
I didn't expect perfection but he got the experience. He's about 60 lbs

Chief at his first hunt, 12/18/05
News from the Turpens, October 17, 2005
Chief is heeling and sitting on command and whistle pretty well. We
introduced him to gunfire last weekend. While Donna had him at heel, I threw
a dummy and fired shots. It didn't bother him a bit the closer I got. He even
seemed to look harder for the fall.
We've named him 'Fernhill's Hard Charging Chief' for his registered
name. The 'hard charging' comes from the fact he has yet to figure out to
slow down before stopping on retrieving or coming to us and at 40lbs he
packs quite a wallop when he hits you. He's funny retrieving because he
tries to pick up the dummy at full run and does an end over end flip and
then a half roll, all the time with his eyes on the dummy. He hasn't destroyed
much except a few places in my yard -- thanks Hilfy for that trait.

Chief Hard Charging

News from the Turpens, September 12, 2005
Chief weighed 22lbs at 3 months at the vet 2 weeks ago, and is about 30 lbs now. He is solid as a rock
and not chubby at all. His early training is coming along nicely.
Chief and Scott practicing sits

Chief in a Down/Stay
September 5, 2005
Chief at home with the Turpens, Late July 2005

Chief (formerly Turquoise) with Donna and Scott Turpen of West Tennessee.

Turquoise, July 4, 2005

Turquoise sleeping, July 6, 2005 (5.5 weeks)

Turquoise bounding thru grass, July 2, 2005

Turquoise, June 23, 2005

Turquoise Boy outside, June 22

Woof! June 17, 2005

Turquoise Boy, June 10 -- eyes just opening

Turquoise Boy, June 1

254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-300-7607; text or leave message for callback
This site © 2001-2013 by
Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised January 16, 2013