Litter #2!!


Litter born August 3, 2006
Sire: AFC AFTCH Rosehill's Mr. Speaker MH OS FDHF CCA
Dam: Adirondac Hilfy of Fern Hill CDX OD CCA TDI CGC ASCA-CD SR017085/01
(SR Highland Hoya MH WCX OS #SN404168/12 x Adirondac My-Tee Marcy MH,CDX,WCX,Can WC,OD,CCA,TDI,CGC #SN480493/01)

Hilfy in waiting, July 30, 2006

Rosehill's Mr. Speaker, 2002
Hilfy had five large, active puppies on August 3, 2006 - all boys. This litter was a repeat of the outstanding
litter of 8 whelped May 2005. All went
to wonderful homes, and we are enjoying hearing about them from their owners as they grow. To see
You-Tube video clips of these puppies, click here for indoors
and here for outdoors.
Click on a puppy name below (listed in birth order) to go to baby pictures of that puppy and links to each puppy's own page. Additional
links to litter members are in the drop-down menus in the green bar above.
The "Puppies" link will take you to pictures of puppies in groups.
Blueberry puppy, whose new name is Rusty
Blueberry was the first born and the biggest newborn, weighing a whopping 21 ounces at birth. Hilfy really
looked relieved when he was finally out! He was the first to open his eyes and see the world, at 10.5 days old on Sunday
morning, August 14. He is an outstanding hunt prospect, very birdy with a very strong retrieval drive. He likes water
and has plenty of energy. On top of that, he loves people and is a particularly gorgeous puppy.
He's gone to live with Greg and Lauren Young of Nashville, Tennessee where he will be Greg's hunting companion and
share the limelight with Tom's older, semi-retired dog Chase. His registered name is Young's Rusty Speaker of Fernhill.
For more pictures and updates from his family, see Rusty's page.

Blueberry going home with Greg Young, 9/23/06

Blueberry's going home portrait 9/23/06

Blueberry at 3 weeks, 8/25/06

Blueberry, day 4
Apple, now known as Trooper
Trooper, who was born second, was the darkest puppy in the litter, with a wonderful wrinkly face that
looks just like Hilfy's when she was a puppy. He was first into the wading pool, and
always one of the first at the gate when people come to see him. He was the least
vocal puppy in this litter -- he can bark & growl with the best of them, but usually doesn't. He had the most
adorable habit of standing on his hind feet with his front paws tucked against his chest, and leaping up towards
you -- a really good ploy for getting picked up and cuddled! He has
gone to live with Mark and Tracy Preston of Ohio. They have 3 kids, 2 cats, and a Westie, so he will
be busy and have lots of friends to play with. See Trooper's Page. for news updates,
growing-up pictures, and more puppy pictures.

Apple, now "Trooper" with Hilfy and the Prestons of Columbus, Ohio

Apple explores the world, 9/2/06

Apple the Fierce, 8/27/06

Apple puppy with eyes, 8/18/06

Apple, day 4
Kiwi, now known as Ryder
Kiwi was born third, and showed early signs
of being very athletic -- was the first to master this idea of walking instead of swimming, climbed out
of a large laundry basket (where he was stashed while the whelping box was being cleaned) at one day past 2
weeks, and was the first to make it out of the whelping box at 3 weeks. Another climber like his older
sister Athena! He thinks he is very fierce and likes to tell you all about it.
He's pouncy and prancy! Ryder has gone to live with Summer Lee of Richmond, Virginia, and her two other Goldens.
He will learn obedience and rally, possibly tracking and agility, and will assist in therapy work when
he's old enough not to be rowdy. His registered name is "Fernhill's Wild Ryde CDX JH RA."
See Ryder's Page for news updates, growing-up pictures, and more puppy pictures.

Summer Lee and Kiwi (now Ryder)

Kiwi's going home portrait, 9/23/06 |

Kiwi at 3 weeks, 8/25/06 |

Kiwi the Climber 8/27/06 |

Kiwi at 4 days
Banana was born fourth, but he was in a hurry and came out within minutes of Kiwi. He was the smallest
puppy but still weighed a nice normal 16 ounces at birth and has caught up with the others since. He's always one
of the first to explore new toys, and one of the most people-oriented of this litter of highly people-oriented puppies.
He has a good prey drive, likes to follow and retrieve, and most of all likes to cuddle down on people's laps. We got
to keep him for an extra week as the Turnbulls had some scheduling conflicts, so we spoiled him rotten! He has now
gone home to Mississippi with his new owners, who plan to try out hunting with him. See Bruce's Page
for news, at-home pictures, and more baby shots.

Banana with new owners Randolph Turnbull and Lindsay Milam, 9/30/06.

Banana at 7 weeks, 9/23/06

Banana & McKenzie kissing, 9/8/06 |

Banana attacking Ryan's thumb, 8/18/06 |

Banana boy, one day old 8/4/06
Orange, now known as Cash
Last, lightest, and loudest,
Orange waited for nearly two hours after Banana was born to make his appearance. He's
a scrapper and loves to tussle with his brothers, but he's also very sweet and cuddly with people. He
loves to lie on his back, and he LOVES to eat. He's very self-confident and likes to explore. He
is extremely birdy, crazy about the water, and likes non-stop activity. He is making his new home
with Tom and Katie Thagard and their three sons from Birmingham, Alabama, where he will be known as
Johnny Cash of Fernhill(Cash for short). Tom goes hunting almost every weekend at a nearby lake, so
Cash should have an ideal life! You can see more pictures of him, and news about how he's growing
up, at Cash's Page.

Cash (Orange) with the Thagards.

Orange's going home portrait, 9/23/06 |

Orange comes to say hi, 9/8/06 |

Orange at 3 weeks, 8/25/06 |

Orange, 8/7/06 |

Attack of the barracudas, 9/8/06 |

Orange & Kiwi check out the wading pool, 9/8/06 |

Pooped puppies after their trip outside, 9/2/06 |

Trying out the new sleeping arrangements, 9/2/06 |

Puppy room rearranged without whelping box, 9/2/06 |

Ready for their first car trip, 8/30/06 |

new way of eating, 8/29/06 |

nursing at 3 weeks, 8/27/06 |

Puppy pile with teeth, 8/27/06 |

A new way to nurse, 8/25/06 |

Orange (upside down) and Banana, 8/18/06

Growing by leaps and bounds, 8/18/06

Puppies sleeping, 8/10/06

Puppy Pile, 8/9/06

Growing family, 8/7/06

Apple & Orange, 8/7/06 |

Puppies at one day

First picture of the new family, 8/3/06 |

254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-300-7607; text or leave message for callback
This site © 2001-2009 by
Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised April 1, 2009