Bruce's Page


Fern Hill Bruce XX ("Bruce") SR368103/04
Sire: AFC AFTCH Rosehill's Mr. Speaker MH OS FDHF CCA
Dam: Adirondac Hilfy of Fern Hill CDX OD CCA TDI CGC ASCA-CD SR017085/01
Born August 3, 2006

Portrait of Bruce
Bruce, whose puppy name was "Banana" because of the yellow collar, was born fourth. He was the smallest
puppy but still weighed a nice normal 16 ounces at birth and caught up with the others later. As a puppy here on the farm, he was always one
of the first to explore new toys, and one of the most people-oriented of this litter of highly people-oriented puppies.
He had a good prey drive, liked to follow and retrieve, and most of all liked to cuddle down on people's laps. We got
to keep him for an extra week as the Turnbulls had some scheduling conflicts for his pickup, so we spoiled him rotten! He went
home to Mississippi with his new owners, who plan to try out hunting with him. For the first year, he shared space with a girl golden just a month
older than Bruce named Beulah, who came from Hilfy's home kennel, Adirondac Golden Retrievers. Her mother and Hilfy are 3/4
sisters, so the two puppies are cousins. Bruce then stayed with the Turnbull's son Randolph, while Beulah went with the elder Turnbulls.
News and Picture of Bruce, 2011
March 2011.
Bruce is a Great dog. He is constantly with our son Randolph. He is thin but very healthy. He can run forever,is very obedient to
Randolph and has a great disposition. Wonderful dog. Living in Tunica, Ms. About the picture, Randolph shoots. Bruce doesn't really
do the hunting himself just brings things back. Bruce is very fast. He runs on the Mississippi River levee miles as a time.
Are other dogs from this line thin? I know Bruce gets plenty to eat. [Editor's note: No, none of the others are thin although some
of them could use more rib spread when you look down on them from the top. With all the running he does, he may just need more food
than you would expect for a dog his size.]
News and Pictures of Bruce, 2009
Bruce likes to run and play in the mud and water. December 14, 2009.
News and Pictures of Bruce, 2008

Bruce (on the left) and friends, 2/1/08
Picture right: head shot, 2/2/08 |
News from the Turnbulls, 2007
September 2007.
I will get pictures in Nov. Both Beulah and Bruce have been to a trainer (Basic obedience. ) They are beautiful. Good thing they
are young dogs with all the heat this summer.
May 26, 2007.
Here are some more pictures.

Happy Bruce, 5/26/07

Bruce asleep on the porch
April 2007Happy Easter! Here are some recent pictures of Bruce.

Bruce in the field, 4/4/07

Bruce with our older golden, 4/7/07.
News from the Turnbulls, December 2006
Christmas pictures. Both puppies are so good.

Beulah & Bruce (on the right) with Randolph

Bruce is on the left in this picture.

Bruce surveys his kingdom
Randolph is doing great with Beulah and Bruce. They are great dogs. We have never seen such calm dogs.
Here are some pictures with some of our family.


Big feet, full tilt!
(left) Bruce with Randolph Turnbull

Bruce and Beulah with the Turnbulls |

Who's happy now?
Randolph is doing great with Beulah and Bruce. They are great dogs. We have never seen such calm dogs.
Here are some pictures with some of our family.

Banana with new owners Randolph Turnbull and Lindsay Milam, 9/30/06.

Banana with Jim, 9/29/06 |

Banana at 7 weeks, 9/23/06

Banana & McKenzie kissing, 9/8/06 |

Banana at 5 weeks, 9/8/06

Banana barks and grins, 9/2/06 |

Banana at 3 weeks, 8/25/06

Banana attacking Ryan's thumb, 8/18/06 |

Crashed Banana, 8/15/06

Teacup puppy, 8/7/06 |

Banana boy, one day old 8/4/06

254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-300-7607; text or leave message for callback
This site © 2001-2011 by
Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised March 6, 2011