Trooper's Page


Fern Hill's Big Red Trooper SR368103/04
Sire: AFC AFTCH Rosehill's Mr. Speaker MH OS FDHF CCA
Dam: Adirondac Hilfy of Fern Hill CDX OD CCA TDI CGC ASCA-CD SR017085/01
Born August 3, 2006

Trooper and buddy Jack in the snow, February 2007
Trooper, who was born second, was the darkest puppy in the litter, with a wonderful wrinkly face that
looks just like Hilfy's when she was a puppy. He was first into the wading pool, and
always one of the first at the gate when people come to see him. He was the least
vocal puppy in this litter -- he can bark & growl with the best of them, but usually doesn't. He had the most
adorable habit of standing on his hind feet with his front paws tucked against his chest, and leaping up towards
you -- a really good ploy for getting picked up and cuddled! He has
gone to live with Mark and Tracy Preston of Ohio. They have 3 kids, 2 cats, and a Westie, so he is
busy and has lots of friends to play with.
News about Trooper, July 2008
Our whole family has been so enjoying all of the sweet, sweet updates
on Hilfy, penny and the puppies! I can tell you that we (especially
katie) have been squealing with delight with each and every picture!
Mr. Trooper has been more affectioned than ever as a result of these sweet
pictures! we love his brothers and sisters! I apologize for not
being very communicative with you lately. Our lives have been rather
complicated... but suffice to say all is well with Troop. He is THE most
affectionate and loving boy we have ever had. our Tyler was very
sweet, but Trooper is without question the best...ever! we are grateful for him!
Jack has taken the back seat...but they work this all out between
themselves quite naturally and nicely.
As for the vaccination and neuter article...i appreciate this
information. We have opted not to neuter. We didn't with our last
Golden and we plan on keeping him intact as long as possible. Our
Westie, on the other hand, needed to be neutered...whew! Very necessary.
Please give our love, hugs, and kisses to Hilfy, Penny and all of the sweet puppies!
And thank you so much for the emails and pictures!
News about Trooper, August 2007
Trooper is so cool! He is so full of love. He's still jumping up and
on people. We are working with him in earnest, but he is determined
to love people with his WHOLE body. Very sweet.
I don't have weight data or height until we come back from vacation
in two weeks. He has definitely capped off. In fact, he is a very
picky eater! Odd.
Anyway, all is very well. He's getting better with the water. He
dunks his head and retrieves without issue. But, it took lots and
lots and lots of treats for him to do this. He's too funny.
News about Trooper, Spring 2007
May 6, 2007. I contacted the local G.R. Club today to get Trooper field
training. He really loves to work and I just can't stand looking at
him and not giving him what he needs to be the best Golden boy he can
be. Hopefully they'll have something coming up soon. Their website
stated that their last training was in March.
April 21, 2007.
At this point, Trooper is stalky..not heavy. His bone structure is
thick. I believe he still has more growing to do height wise. I'm
betting his weight will stabilize. He eats twice a day, but he
doesn't go for it with gusto. So, he's not overeating. I limit his
treats for training with the exception of a nightly stuffed kong or
thick bone.
Everyone who meets Trooper says how special, beautiful and wonderful
he is, and I couldn't agree more! He is just THE best, loving, sweet,
affectionate, krinkly faced puppy we've ever owned. We would love
to come and visit you, too so you can see him and hug him.

Playing in the snow, February 2007
News about Trooper, December 2006
Trooper will take
any stuffed animal at this point. So, the kids are constantly on
guard. Trooper has been funny about getting Jack in trouble, too.
When he has his rawhide in the same room with Jack he takes it and
plops it in front of Jack. Then he barks his head off until I
intervene. Jack likes to take his stuff and it makes Trooper angry.
So, he sets him up to get in trouble. It's really too funny!
They're just kids with fur! ;-)
News about Trooper, November 2006
Trooper has earned his Pee Masters Degree! Yay! So,
we're able to let him play more around the house. However, that gets
quashed when he starts to chew everything in sight. Then, he's back
in the kitchen chewing on his toys and my chairs and door. ;-)
The girls and I had a good laugh this morning on the way to school.
The topic was if we could rename Trooper based on his personality
now, what would his new name be? The suggestions were funny!
1. Sir-Licks-Alot
2. Barky
3. Floppy
4. Digger
5. Jaws, and my favorite,
6. Chew-Dogga
News from the Prestons, October 2006


Hi Mom

Playing with water

Meeting the horse
Trooper is quite the pistol these days! I love him so
much, but I can't let him lick my face anymore because he likes to
eat cat poop. Yuck! I take him out on
leash now so I can control it, but it's nasty. He really keeps Jack
busy, too. Tug-of-war is the game of choice between the two of them,
and when Jack wins the war, Trooper gets mad and he'll bark, pounce
and growl at Jack. He does this with anything Jack has that he
wants. It's too funny.
His leash training is coming along. He's much better at it when Jack
is not around. His "sit," "stay" and "down" are going very well. He
loves to work for the dried liver treats. I have been working with
him a little on fetch and retrieve. He will bring the ball back
knowing I have a treat for him, but when I'm simply throwing the ball
he won't bring it back. He likes to chase the ball, however. So,
he'll get it.
His potty training is still work in progress. He goes to the door
occasionally. But, all-in-all, he's much better as a puppy than
Jack. No offense to the Westie, but Terriers are takers, Golden's
are givers. Tropper really wants to please us, he's just too much of
a baby right now to "get it." He gets distracted easily and is just
too interested in playtime to care about anything else.
News from the Prestons, September 2006

Look what I got!

Mmmmm, delicious!

Trooper at home, September 26, 2006
We're home now. Apple was really, really good in the car. Every time we stopped he
would do his business. He ate and drank just fine. He did whine a
bit, sometimes a lot and sometimes he just kicked back. We held him
for about 2 hours of the drive and he was great. All-in-all, we kept
saying, "What a trooper he is." And now we have his name...Trooper.
He is such a lovey!
We are doing very well. We are getting our routine down and Trooper
is enjoying our Westie Jack and Jack is enjoying Trooper. They tussle at night
and it is so much fun to watch! Jack really enjoys this play time,
and Trooper is instigative to say the least! :-) We go for a walk
every day around 4. Trooper is getting used to it, but today he was
more tired than usual. He's growing like a weed! It's amazing.
Right in front of us, he's so much bigger! I am going to take him to
the vet tomorrow just to weigh him and introduce him to the crew.
His actual shot visit is next week. I'll let you know how much he
He is THE best dog.
I'm not sure, but can you tell we're happy? ;-)

Apple, now "Trooper" and Hilfy with the Prestons of Columbus, Ohio -- Ready to go home!
Puppy Pictures at Fern Hill

Trooper, all ready to go

Apple leaving the wading pool 9/8/06

Apple explores the world, 9/2/06

Bite that cup! 8/27/06

Apple the Fierce, 8/27/06

Apple puppy with eyes, 8/18/06

Apple, day 4

Apple boy, one day old 8/4/06

254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-300-7607; text or leave message for callback
This site © 2001-2009 by
Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised April 9, 2009