Penny's Page

Fern Hill Pennyroyal CDX JH NAP RE CGC TDI SR262975/06
Sire: AFC AFTCH Rosehill's Mr. Speaker MH OS FDHF CCA
Dam: Adirondac Hilfy of Fern Hill CDX OD CCA TDI CGC ASCA-CD SR017085/01
May 28, 2005 -- September 28, 2018
Height: 23.5" Weight: 60 pounds
Penny was the 6th puppy from Hilfy's first litter, born May 28, 2005. She
was the puppy identified originally as "Lavender" because of her purple collar color. We
chose the name "Pennyroyal" as her permanent name because it's a medicinal herb in the mint
family useful for treating stress and anxiety, with small lavender or blue flowers -- so it seemed
like a nice carryover from her puppy name plus expressed a bit about her place in our family.
All of the puppies in that litter were wonderful, and it was a hard choice deciding which one to
keep -- but we're pleased with our selection! Penny is one of those dogs that is so smart, it's scary -- show her something once
and she learns it. She has been a wonderful working competition dog for my husband -- his first dog so he doesn't know how unusual
this is! For a complete list of her titles, see below. Penny finished her show career with a Novice Agility Preferred title in December 2013
at the age of 8 and a half.
Penny had two litters for us totaling 18 puppies, and is the dam of our beautiful and stylish Panda.
Penny picked up an infection on September 27, 2018, and it rapidly went system-wide. By the next afternoon, despite
being on antibiotics, she was unable to walk and fading fast. Rather than taking the chance that IV antibiotics might
cure her, and not wanting her to die alone in the hospital, we made the decision to put her to sleep that afternoon.
She was 13 years and 4 months old. She is much missed by us all, human and canine alike.

Penny on September 24, 2018, 4 days before her death.
Clearance Information || Pedigree
|| Litters || Titles
|| Album

Hips: OFA GR-94703F31-PI)
Elbows are NORMAL (OFA GR-EL16018F24-PI)
Heart clearance: NORMAL (OFA GR-CA14411/34F/C-PI)
Eye clearance: NORMAL, CERF GR-40398/2014-114 (11/24/14)
Both parents genetically tested clear for PRA-prcd (Progressive Retinal Atrophy)
Penny had a serious bout with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever from September 1, 2013 through the end of the year. Happily, she
recovered -- except for some mild neurological issues, kidney damage, a chronic inflammatory condition and a weakened immune system. She was
mostly healthy and happy for the rest of her life, but had to be retired from competition following her illness. She was still passing the
CERF eye exams at age 9.5, and her vision and hearing were good to the end!

Penny's Pedigree

Penny's Titles
Penny Does Agility!
After a couple of years out of the competition ring, Karen decided to work with Penny in Agility. Because she was already almost 8 years old at the
time we started, we decided to do Preferred. Penny is a tall girl, and would have to be in the 24" class otherwise; with Preferred, she only has to
jump 20". Although she has never shown any signs of lameness, we felt that the decreased height would be safer for her. For the same reason, we decided
to limit her activity to only the standard agility rather than doing Jumps and Weaves and Fast. In only three shows during
the spring and fall of 2013, Penny earned her Novice Agility Preferred Title at the TVKC Show in Harriman, TN on December 7, 2013. She scored 100 in
two of her runs and 90 in the third, and won the blue ribbon each time!
Penny, Junior Hunter!
Penny earned her 4th JH leg and her title at the East Tennessee Retriever Club Fall Hunt Test in Birchwood, TN on October 30, 2010. This test involved
her first walk up and a tricksy set of water marks where the dog had to go through an opening in the blind at the start, in high winds. Penny took it
all in stride. Her other qualifying tests were last May -- a double test at ETRC and the single Middle TN Spring Hunt Test. She says this hunt stuff is
way more fun than obedience!
Penny Earns Her First Utility Leg!
Penny passed her first Utility leg with a first place win at the local Knoxville Cluster show November 6, 2010. Two more to go! Unfortunately, there aren't any nearby
shows till next year and we aren't much for traveling far for competition, so we may not be able to finish her up before she is bred. But, we'll keep trying.
Penny Passes her TDI test
Penny easily passed her TDI test in February 2010. We have not been active in therapy work, unfortunately,
as our schedules just haven't permitted adding this to our plates. We hope this will happen sometime in the future, as Penny
is a very friendly and kissy girl.
Jim and Penny finished up their Companion Dog Excellent title at the Greeneville, SC trial
on February 13, 2009 with a score of 192 for 5th place. What a Valentine's day present!
Penny's 2nd leg was a first place win (and a score of 189) at the Franklin, TN cluster January 22, 2009.
Jim and Penny got their first CDX leg at the Knoxville obedience
trial on November 2, 2008. To top it all off, she earned a score of 191 1/2 and a blue ribbon for her effort!
Here is a picture of a happy handler and dog with the judge -- and those ever-important ribbons. One down, two
to go! Thanks to our obedience instructor and friend Shannon Shepherd (Leashes
by Design) for all the help and for the picture. |
Penny competed in three shows (Knoxville, Chattanooga, and Knoxville) under three different judges, and earned
her CD degree with one first place finish, a third, and a 4th.
At the Knoxville Cluster Dog Show, Penny completed her Rally Excellent title, with two first places and a 2nd (tied
for first on points, placed second on time). She also got her first leg towards her CD title, placing first in her
Novice A class.

Jim &Penny with Judge after her CD run, 11/3/07 |

Jim with Penny RE at the Knoxville show, 7/15/07 |
At the Oak Ridge Kennel Club Dog Show on May 26, 2007, Penny completed her final leg for her Rally Advanced
title in the minimum 3 shows, with two first places and a fourth. She then came back the next day in Rally Excellent
and earned her first leg toward that title with a first place finish.

Jim with Penny and judge Nancy Davis, 5/26/07
At the Tennessee Vally Kennel Club Obedience Trial on November 5, 2006, Penny qualified for her third leg
and placed 1st in her Novice Rally A class. She qualified in the minimum 3 shows, with increasingly better
performances each time. She qualified but didn't place in her first class, placed fourth in her second leg, and finished up
on a high note with a blue ribbon. We are very proud of this girl, who isn't quite 18 months old yet!

Penny's Puppies

Flowers for Penny, 9/3/09
Penny whelped her first litter of 11 puppies on August 31, 2009 -- seven boys and four girls. The sire was the very accomplished and ruggedly handsome
Canadian dog Drake, officially known as GMH HRCH UH Tidewaters Weekend Gladiator Can/Am CD WCX MH CCA OS.
This was an outstandingly talented, sweet, and beautiful bunch of puppies and Penny proved to be an excellent and caring mother.
Penny had her second litter of 7 puppies on her own 6th birthday, May 28, 2011. This was a great group of puppies by the talented Shag, whose official
name is UH Trifecta's Shag-edelic CCA CD WCX MH *** VCX. We kept a puppy from this litter, our cuddly hotshot Panda.
Penny is now done having puppies. If you might be interested in one of our puppies from a different girl, see our Puppy Information page, or drop us an email at:
edwardskc@pegasustech.com. Working/ competition homes are preferred, but the quality of the home is most important
and we are always happy to place puppies into active pet homes.

Penny's Photo Album

Penny passes an Agility Novice Preferred competition: 100 points, blue ribbon

Same competition, April 7, 2013. We are showing Preferred since Penny is nearly 8 years old.

Penny posing with our daughter McKenzie -- October 2010. Photo courtesy Barry Brown Images.

Penny (in the middle) playing in an early snowfall with her mom and sis, 11/26/10

Penny and Jim win their first Utility leg, 11/6/10

Penny's 3 Junior Hunter ribbons, 5/30/10

Penny waiting at the blind, 5/22/10

Water retrieve 5/22/10

Land retrieve 5/22/10

Field training at Lorie Jolly's 4/19/09

Relaxing at home 4/14/09

Penny the farm dog -- we're off to feed the cattle! 3/23/07

On the sofa 11/11/06


Penny at home
September 30, 2006


Penny -- water sports
August 19, 2006

Penny at almost 10 months, March 25, 2006

Penny & Hilfy
The Well-behaved Office Dogs
September 16, 2005


Still a lap puppy -- barely! September 9, 2005
Picture at left -- Penny at Karen's office
September 16, 2005
At the end of September 2005, Penny is 4 months old and weighs about 30 pounds. She is getting her permanent teeth (we won't miss
the little puppy needles!), is housebroken, and is very charming and outgoing. She is a terrific grass ripper,
grabbing huge mouthfuls and tossing them up in the air, then going back for more. In addition, she loves
chewing -- rawhide bones, books, papers, socks .... whatever fits in her mouth. She is taking puppy class,
where she is the most outgoing puppy, and is learning basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, come, and down. They're all very easy to
learn, and she's happy to do them unless something more interesting presents itself....! The world is her oyster, people are
divine, her mother is her best friend, and life is wonderful.
Baby Pictures

In the Mondo Grass (July 5, 2005)

Sleeping, July 6, 2005

Exploring, June 23

Penny with Ryan, June 21, 2005

June 21

Kisses for Karen, June 10

June 10

Lavender (Penny) and Pink (Lis), June 1 (3 days old) |

254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-300-7607; text or leave message for callback
This site © 2001-2018 by
Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised November 26, 2018