Beau's Page


Fernhill Gandalf's Beau JH SR262975/05
Sire: AFC AFTCH Rosehill's Mr. Speaker MH OS FDHF CCA
Dam: Adirondac Hilfy of Fern Hill CDX OD CCA TDI CGC ASCA-CD SR017085/01
Born May 28, 2005

Beau at 1 year, summer 2006
Beau was born fifth, the second and last boy in the litter. From the first, he was very
beautiful with an especially lovely head. He and his sister Lavender (now Penny) were a set of "twins" --
amazingly similar in appearance, coloring, build, and personality. Despite his long, silky ears and elegant looks,
he was always ready for any kind of rough and tumble play. He went to live with Marty and Diana Kurzendoerfer
in Louisville, Kentucky, where he shares the limelight with a couple of cats. Sadly, his older Golden buddy Tuck died in
the spring of 2007.
Beau spent the
spring and summer 2006 with a professional hunt trainer, and made his hunt test debut in the fall, where he earned his
first Junior Hunter (JH) ribbon. He followed it up by back to back passes at a Kentucky show in late March, and finished
his JH title in Ohio on Saturday, April 21, 2007. During the fall, he got his first Senior Hunter ribbon. He also
enjoyed a hunting trip to North Dakota and some other hunting trips during the fall and winter. He's a real pistol in
the field -- Watch for him and Marty in 2009!
News About Beau, 2009
March 8, 2009: I had Beau our working both yesterday & today. He is good & I think ready for Senior. Not
sure that Shorty wants to make the effort though. She was so broken hearted after the tests. She loves him the way
he is & doesn't care if he titles or not.
I need to have someone take a look at his work. He always does well for me except for 2 things. He lines so well.
But if he is close to a bird & I blow stop for him to cast him, he will scent the bird & just fetch it. Then he also
gets so hyped up when it's an actual trial that he blows up. Need to get him back around the hunt test situations.
February 13, 2009: It's a good life if you can get it. Hang around with the old man. Get dummies pitched
for you couple of times a day. Peanut butter kong in the morning. Make him feel welcome at home after work. Scraps
off the dinner plate. More dummies. More dummies. Pester boss if he's working on the computer too much. Curl up on sofa.
Chase the cat. Curl up by fireplace. Couple of cookies. Repeat until Saturday & Sunday. Then go to park & work on
fun stuff or go duck hunting. If boss kills bird make him feel proud.
Summers, the dummies are in the park at night during the week.
Hey - I'll get reincarnated as one of my dogs.
January 26, 2009: Beau had a histiocytoma which is just a benign tumor of young dogs. This is not cancer and there
is no danger of this spreading. This is a real relief. His ear is healing up nicely.
On another note, I finished up duck season on Saturday (did not go out Sunday) without Beau. But we lucked into a dumb bunch
of geese & knocked down 5. Without Beau, my buddy's dog got all the work. But Beau was jealous when I came back home late in the afternoon.
Still a few more goose days & then spring snow goose season might be calling to me.
January 20, 2009:
Beau is back at the shop. Had the knot removed & left a seared spot as big as a dime on him. None the worse for wear.
He's out for the last weekend of duck season, but no big deal. The knot was growing. Don't know what it is till the
biopsy results come back.
January 19, 2009
We're back home from hunting in Ballard County Kentucky. It's Western Kentucky near the Mississippi River near a wildlife management area.
They were holding around 50,000 ducks but when the cold snap hit last week, it froze out large parts of the refuge & moved the birds further
from where we were hunting. We saw thousands of snow & blue geese, but they would not work to our setup. We picked up a few birds every day.
Beau did pretty well in the icy water. We had to wade to a couple of spots, put him up on top of the ice & then let him retrieve. In some
places I could walk & others it was too thin for me, but good for beau. Everyone had a good time.
January 14, 2009:
Duck season has been lousy this year. 4 or 5 trips in Kentucky & only 1 duck for it. Here's Beau with our December -
January catch. However we are going to western Kentucky this weekend to see how many birds are left. Beau is going ith us,
so hopefully he'll see some action. Even during the season, we train often on the weekends. I think he's ready for senior. We will see.
Forgot to tell you - we're hunting ballard this weekend, but that will be end of Beau's season. He has a small knot on his right ear,
that needs to get excised before it gets larger. Shorty thinks it's expanded a little & she is more reliable on thes estimates than I.
Could be nothing more than a cyst, or a benign tumor. we'll find out on Tuesday.
Me & Beau - we're not worried. We're already planning for ND or Canada next year. might try to wack some snows on their way home in March

News About Beau, 2008
October 2, 2008: Two partners & I co-own 75-80 acres on the Green River at Rochester KY. There's a dam on
Green & a large creek & then a small creek called Panther Creek off of it. We have some sloughs along Panther Creek
& when Green floods we get flooded timber. We have some turkey, deer & duck on it. It's about 2 hours from Louisville.
We do not farm it. It's strictly a hunt club. We have a nice cabin built from a 20x40 pole barn with a kitchen, living room,
bunks & bath & small garage. I've decided I haven't hunted it enough & will try to spend at least Saturday down there during duck season.
Neither of the guys in the picture are partners. They are both friends for 30-40 years that I duck hunt with. Both of them,
my 2 partners & about 6 others of us started a DU chapter 29 years ago. Have been friends ever since.

Beau, 2 buddies and I down at the farm
October 2, 2008: We wood duck hunted 2 weeks ago. He picked up 7 of the 8 birds we killed over the 2 days.
He did quite the job. He may not get in the johnboat with me again. When we were down 2 weeks ago, we hit the river
& headed up a deep creek that joins at the dam called Mud River. Went 7 miles up & 5 miles back down before running
out of gas. Hiked through a cornfield where he chased some turkey hens, poults & toms. He was pretty worn out after
that excursion. So was I!
Probably told you that we are not going to North Dakota this year. Maybe Kansas in December. Definitely going to
hunt the farm & work the dog.
May 28, 2008: I will run Beau with a bunch of field dogs here in 3 weeks at a fun work session.
Will work with a pro trainer who also is president of Central Kentucky Retriever Club ( AKC Hunt Test).
That ought to be fun. I'm still working him 3 days a week & he is doing splendidly. I think with little
sharpening, he will do well in Senior tests
May 19, 2008: Beau & I have been working out together since mid March. But we have
been working light stuff early on. We go 3-4 times a week at least
for long doubles. Just in the past few weeks, I have been working him
in heavier cover, back in water etc. He just loves it. I still owe
you the pictures from duck hunting this year.
March 23, 2008: I think we are going to opt for training Beau ourselves & finding a pro trainer that is close
that I can work with on weekends. We will see. But I would like to put Beau back on the senior trail this fall if I can.
I have just about missed the spring season as I should have been working him in Feb & Mar when I was recuperating.
I have been running him that past month on weekends, but not as hard or in as difficult of cover as I should. Also -
no water, few birds & no other distractions. He has matured a bunch, but I need to get him back in the hunt competition
environment. That's when he really skyrockets.
March 18, 2008: Wanted to let you know that I got Beau's results back yesterday from the OFA.
They rated him good! I have to check with my vet on the other tests: heart & eyes. I will
also talk with him about the elbows & see how to get that done. I wanted to share some pics of Beau
this winter duck hunting. The first is from a duck hunt in Kentucky around Dec 12, and the two professional
photos are from our trip to North Dakota.

Beau in his neoprene vest, with hunting buddies

Professional photos by DogPhoto.com of Beau in North Dakota, fall 2007
January 22, 2008:
We have not had a lot of luck this hunting season. Always at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Beau has done a good job but only had a lot of work during my week in North Dakota where he was super.
We've picked up some birds here & there, but not much. I will tell you though he's as hardy as any
dog I've had. He hunted with us both days this weekend. While we only killed one bird on Saturday
the weather was bitter: 20° Saturday and 12° on Sunday. I'm finishing up this weekend,
hunting the Ohio River with a couple of friends on a Ducks Unlimited dinner hunt. Sunday I may
go to the farm just to see if the ice has cleared out.

The Release |

The Pickup |

The Run Back |

The Aftermath |
News About Beau, 2007
October 21, 2007, Editor's Note: My husband Jim and I were thrilled to be able to attend the
East Tennessee Hunt Test and watch TWO of Hilfy's puppies perform. The pictures above were from Beau's
Senior Hunt Test. Go to Rusty's Page to see pictures of Beau's younger full
brother who was working Junior Hunter. What a thrill it was for us!
05/28/07: Dropped Beau in Murfreesboro yesterday with John Walker. It was a long quiet ride back.
My wife was particularly quiet. But I've told John I will be back down every couple of
weeks to train with him on Fridays. Diane wants to go with me if she is not too busy at work.
I get vacation days - she doesn't. Hopefully he'll be ready by the first of August, but John
wants him longer. We will have to see what I pick up from him when we train. There are some
senior hunt tests in Wisconsin in August & the Sourthern Michigan Golden Retriever club has a
hunt test Sept 1. We'd like to do those.
Amazing they are two years old already. These are good dogs & I think the best i've ever had.
Saying that over Rip - well for me that is going some. But Beau is better. Some of the same
bloodline though - through Kiowa II.
05/12/07: He is a high caliber dog and I knew that. But hearing [pro trainer] Johnny Walker
and [Mr. Speaker's owner/trainer] Lorie Jolly say he is Field Trial circuit caliber is a huge boost.
If I were independently wealthy or could make my own time, I might campaign him. But that isn't in
the cards today. Everyone that sees him is just so enthusiastic. You don't see as many goldens
with this kind of drive. I told you the hunt judges were super kind about him.

Beau, with owners Diana and Marty Kurzendoerfer, with their JH ribbons 5/28/07
Beau Titles, April 2007

Beau competing in JH test, Ohio |

Beau and Marty, April 22, 2007 |
April 22, 2007: Beau completed his 4th pass in Junior Hunt test today!!
We are participating in the Ohio Valley Retriver Club Spring Hunt test in Coshocton.
We ran probably our hardest test today. Only 7 of 17 passed. Don Nelson & Mark ?
out of Tennessee were the judges. It was a 4 single setup. Ran 2 water first
followed by 2 land. The first water was through a heavy screen of brush / willows
& many dogs did not see the fall or couldn't figure how to get through. 2nd water
was dropped in water hole near the bank through light blow down cattails. Then a
single up the hill. Followed by single from same thrower as the water, just to
opposite side on the land. Beau did very well.

Beau with two JH ribbons, April 1, 2007
April 4, 2007:Beau passed both JH days at the Central
Kentucky Retriever Hunt Test at the Western Kentucky WMA this weekend
making 3 passes total. One more pass & we will have his JH title.
Shorty & I are talking about going to Ohio April 21 & 22 to finish up.
Saturday he did well. However he gave me a scare on the opening land
bird. We had been working long birds lately & he overshot the mark by
30-40 yards. Came back in & picked up the bird. He was right on the
mark on land bird 2. Water marks that afternoon were not too
difficult. He was excellent on the 1st one despite the stumps that
threw a lot of dogs off. The 2nd mark looked easier, but Beau missed
seeing the bird. He was lined up with the blind & watching when they
blew the call. However when the gun went off, he swung his head left &
never saw the low bird come out. I sent him & he started into the
water & came back confused after only 6 feet. Judge let me recast & I
sent him like a blind. He took the line but then swam left. Judge
coached me to handle him. He wasn't getting the right over so on the
3rd over, I went into training mode & ran the 5 feet over like I do in
training when he doesn't "get it." He got it & swam right to the bird.
The judge was very pleased & told me - "you don't know how many people
would die for a cast like that." He did well.
Sunday - Beau was spot on both land marks & easily handled both water
marks, However he was much too unruly & knocked down part of the
holding blind he was so excited. He's not out of puppyhood yet.
Man - he is a good dog. I'm really enjoying the work & believe it will
make him a better dog than I've ever had.
News about Beau, February/March 2007
We are set for Central Kentucky spring trials next weekend. Looks to be a
smaller field - 28 dogs in the junior on Saturday & 21 on Sunday.
Beau is going to do fine. I'll have to pick another spot for him in
the next month. Couple of places have trials on 1st weekend in May,
including Memphis. Don't know how I'm going to send him away this summer to the trainer.
I may have to do it myself. Just too lonely with him gone.
Shorty is so fired up about him, I may let her run him. She loves to train with me & Beau. I'll throw
the birds & she will run him. We will have to decide this week. I'm
probably a more consistent handler, but she is much more calm.
Beau is a very handsome dog. He has good conformation & intelligent look. He's got a nice
broad head & good size body. He has style in his water entry. Good speed & solid nose. If
I can keep him focused on the 31st & 1st he'll win on looks alone.
News about Beau, November/December 2006
I took Beau to a Lorie Jolly Seminar [owner/trainer of AFC AFTCH Mr. Speaker] in November.
Shorty & I really enjoyed it & learned a lot. We used Beau to demonstrate channel blinds &
Lori's comment was that he did an excellent job. I did swell up with pride. He needed no correction or coaching. He
was on it. He also did a nice double that most people with junior dogs ran as singles.
He overran one that Lori thought he would. She thought the memory bird should have been
the go bird instead.
Beau & I have only gotten out to duck hunt once since coming back from ND. His training is
going well, but the ducks have not been in here yet. Out best season is in Jan. I need to
get out more & may try this weekend.

The Kurzendoerfers at Thanksgiving with their old Mioak dog Tuck and Beau (in the foreground)
FLASH from the Kurzendoerfers, October 2006
Beau went to Central City, KY for the Central Kentucky Retriever Trials - AKC Hunt tests on Saturday, October 28, 2006.
Beau was spot on & did a good job all the way around. He finished & received his first Junior Hunter leg on the first real trial we ever ran.
He handled all 4 birds well although he overran one leg of the land & had to work out one of the water ducks. Three more legs to go!
We'll just have to hop on one leg until next spring.
In mid-October we spent a week hunting up in North Dakota. Beau really had the light go on there. He picked up his
first live-shot mallard on Sunday. When he went to retrieve, he stopped at a decoy then went for the bird. He was
surprised when it flapped in his face & came back without the bird. WHen I re-sent him, he picked it up & brought it
back for a hand delivery...very good. Monday we got into the birds & shot a limit in the afternoon. He had 5-6
retrieves all nicely done. Now he had the game plan. Watch for birds & wait for the shot. He did not want to wait
his turn & had to be restrained. Sometimes he would jump on lead & whine - those are problem areas to work on.
Throughout the week he became steadier & more comfortable with the process. Thursday he was perfect in the morning.
He is going to be a lot of fun to hunt over.
News from the Kurzendoerfers, August 2006
Beau is coming back from the trainer (Johnny Walker & Cedar Grove Kennel) the 2nd week of August.
We are all fired up to get him back. Johnny has him at the double T on handling & swim-bys. He
is really shaping up & was really impressive the last 2 times we have been down to see him. Johnny
says that he can finish him up with pattern blinds by the 1st of September, but I cannot wait. I'll
finish those last 3 weeks. He is going to be great. I told Johnny it was going to be like a kid with
a Corvette. Shorty has gone with me on every trip & Johnny says that is a first!
I was tracking down nearby Retriever Trials where I can run him this fall. We had hoped he would be ready
for Senior, but Johnny says he's not ready to honor other dogs. I am going to run him in Junior.
He's a real pistol but he's obedient now. Johnny says he can be willful sometimes though.
News from the Kurzendoerfers, May 2006
Beau is still in Murfreesboro & doing fine. THe trainer likes him a lot & indicates that next to his
own dog, he is spending more time with Beau than any other dog. He has been force fetched & is now forcing
to a pile in preparation for handling blinds. Johnny Walker wants us to leave him for 5-6 months now.
Says that he will be an excellent duck dog by then. But we both miss him & house is kind of empty.
News from the Kurzendoerfers, March 2006
Beau has been at the trainer's for 2 weeks now. Reports are good. Johnny Walker says he's one of the
strongest dogs he's worked with. Also very sharp & learns quick. He is focusing on yard work & obedience
this first month - healing, staying & force-fetching. Coming along very well.

Beau at 14 weeks, September 3, 2005

Beau and friends, 14 weeks

News from the Kurzendoerfers, November 28, 2005
Beau is doing very well. Personality he seems lots like Penny: Water bowl splashing,
chews everything & is constanly on the go. Today should be their 6 month birthday.
No ducks or duck hunting for Beau yet, but he loves chasing goose wings and bumpers.
News from the Kurzendoerfers, October 7, 2005
Beau weighed 33.5 lbs at 16 weeks when he got his final shots. He is healthy and rambunctious. He chews everything and like Penny is working over
the bookshelves. He chewed one of my Gordon McQuarie books pretty badly and I was not a happy camper. He has a lot of
his adult teeth - at least 8 and the rest are coming in.
He is housebroken now and barks/whines at the door when he wants out. Diana is still taking him to work every day. He is very social.
He's been down to our duck camp with us and loved it. He chases dummies for me and retrieves like a champ.

Beau at 11 weeks, August 9, 2005

Beau and cats -- lots of new friends!

Beau with his new buddy Tuck

Beau going home with the Kurzendoerfers.
Puppy Pictures

Blue boy with McKenzie, July 9, 2005 (6 weeks)

Blue boy, July 2, 2005 (5 weeks)

Blue boy with bucket, July 2, 2005

Blue boy, June 23

Blue Boy, June 10

Blue Boy, June 1

254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-300-7607; text or leave message for callback
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Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised April 10, 2009