Callie's Page

Fern Hill SuperCaliFragilistic MH WCX CD NA OAJ OF ("Callie") SR500760/06
Sire: Trifectas Repeat Performance *** MH, UD, CCA, VCX, WCX, OS, CGC, Can CD
Dam: Adirondac Hilfy of Fern Hill CDX OD CCA TDI CGC ASCA-CD SR017085/01
Born June 5, 2008
Height: 21-1/4"" Weight: 60 pounds

Callie at the East Tennessee Spring Master Hunt Test, May 2014
Callie was the 6th puppy in Hilfy's fourth and last litter, born June 5, 2008. She
was the puppy identified originally as "Sunshine" or "Yellow" because of her baby collar color. We picked her
to stay here on the farm with us. She has brains, personality, sturdy build,
and demented reaction to ducks. She completed her Senior Hunter title at less than two years old on May 30, 2010, and earned her Master Hunter
title at age two years, 11 months, on May 15, 2011. She then went on to earn a CD in the winter of 2012, and her first three Novice Agility titles
in January 2013. She earned two open Agility titles in December 2013 but we put that on hold for a while and took her back out in the field in fall 2014
and spring 2015, where she qualified for the 2015 Master National and earned the MH12 title (although we still have to send in our money to AKC for that to be
official). She came back out in agility and won several open titles when other events in our life ended her agility career.
She is now working on advanced obedience and we may get more titles on her yet -- and she still goes out and competes in the occasional Hunt Test, plus
regular training days and club trials. Plus, she gets lots of lap time as this is one cuddly Golden!
Clearance Information ||
Pedigree ||
Titles ||

Hips: are GOOD (OFA GR-102346G31-VPI)
Elbows are NORMAL (OFA GR-EL23572F31-VPI)
Heart clearance: NORMAL (OFA GR-CA19033/30F/C-VPI)
Eye clearance: Did not pass; unilateral non-progressive juvenile cataract, right eye, filmy & less than 3% of her visual field
Both parents tested genetically clear for PRA-prcd (Progressive Retinal Atrophy)
PRA-1: CLEAR (Optigen Accession #: 15-6069)
PRA-2: CLEAR (Optigen Accession #: 15-6069)
Icthyosis: CLEAR (Optigen Accession #: 15-6069)
NCL: CLEAR (GR-CL5-1447/129F-PI)

Callie's Titles
- WCX: Callie earned her WCX (Working Certificate Excellent) title at the Golden Retriever Club of America National Specialty in Bristol,
TN on October 26, 2014.
- Open Agility Fast: Callie finished her Open Fast title on December 6 and earned her first Excellent leg the next day. She also earned an Excellent Jumpers leg at the same show.
She missed the January show by virtue of being in season. Her agility career is on hold as we are back working in the field, hoping to qualify her for the 2015 Master National Hunt Test.
- Open Agility Jumpers: Callie continued with her agility career and titled at the ORKC trial April 5. She has two legs on Open Agility Standard (OA) and Open Fast (OF) but there aren't any
more trials for several months in our area so those titles will have to wait.
- Novice Agility, Novice Jumps and Weaves, and Novice Fast: Callie took up agility training in the summer of 2012 and earned her first 3 agility titles at Knoxville's agility trial in December 2012 and
Oak Ridge's in January 2013, with all blue ribbons and only one score that wasn't perfect. She also earned an Open Jumper and an Open Fast leg at the ORKC trial. Jim did all the training and handling.
Callie enjoys the agility far more than obedience, but says it still can't compare to the field!
- Companion Dog: Callie completed the required passes for her CD title on January 27, 2012 at three years of age. Her three passes were at the Smoky Mountain Cluster
show in Knoxville, TN in November 2011, and at the Franklin, TN show in January 2012. Jim did all the training and handling. Callie says she would rather be chasing ducks!
- Master Hunter: Callie completed the five required passes for her Master Hunter title on May 15, 2011 at two years of age. Her qualifying runs were at Black Warrior in Alabama in Fall 2010;
and Central Kentucky, Black Warrior, Magnolia (Flora, MS) and MidSouth in spring 2011. Callie is trained and handled by Jody Ware of Razor Sharp Kennels, who has done
a wonderful job with training her to be a very stylish and exciting working retriever while maintaining her cheerful and happy personality. Jim is now handling her in some of the Master tests, and
says that Callie knows much more about this than he does!
- Senior Hunter: Callie earned her Senior Hunter title May 30, 2010, at just under two years of age. Her 4 qualifying runs were at Black Warrior in Alabama;
Middle Tennessee Retriever Club's Spring Hunt Test at Lavergne, TN; and two East Tennessee Retriever Club Hunt Tests
in Spring City, TN. She was trained and handled by Jody Ware of Razor Sharp Kennels. Callie has quite the motor!
- Junior Hunter: Callie earned her Junior Hunter title October 4, 2009, at 16 months, with two qualifying runs at the East Tennessee Retriever Club Hunt Tests
in Spring City, TN with Jim handling. She earned her first two legs at the East TN spring hunt test, and the Middle TN Retriever Club Hunt Test, with
our trainer Jody Ware handling. Callie has tons of drive and great marking ability, and it is so much fun to watch her work!

Callie's Pedigree
Callie's Photo Album
Home Again -- June 14, 2011 and onward ....

Callie earns her WCX title 10/26/14 at the GRCA National Specialty

Callie at Cheraw, SC, 2/26/12

Callie earns her Novice Agility title 1/5/13



Callie earns her CD January 27, 2012

Posing with the judge, 1/27/12

Callie wearing her Master Hunter ribbons, 2 years 11 months, May 15, 2011

Callie is happy to be home
Back Home Again May 30 - the End of August 2010

Callie relaxing at home the day after earning her Senior Hunter title

Dog relaxing in the kitchen, 5/31/10
Callie at Jody's, February through May, 2010

Callie at 9 months, March 7, 2009

Training 04/28/10

Water marks, 04/28/10



At Jody's 04/28/10 (that's our Penny on the left)

Happy to see us, 04/28/10
Callie at home, June through October 2009

Left to right: Lloyd Montgomery with Jed JH and Jim with Callie JH, 10/4/09

Sitting on Jim with her baby niece Shellpink, 9/27/09

Swimming after bumpers, 8/09/09

With her half-sister Penny, 8/01/09

First two Junior Hunter ribbons, 5/31/09
Callie at Jody Ware's 4/16/09
Callie at Jody Ware's 3/7/09
Callie at Jody Ware's 2/7/09
Callie at Home

Callie at 7 months, January 1, 2009 |

Callie at 4 months, October 5, 2008

Still a lap puppy (barely), 10/6/08 |

Hold me! 9/28/08 |

Callie's 7-week portrait, relaxing at home with her prey, 7/24/08 |

Beginning her toilet training, 7/18/08 |

Sunshine at 6 weeks old, 7/18/08 |

Soaked Sunshine -- 7/10/08

7/10/08 |


7/3/08 (Photo credit: McKenzie Pearce, FTW Photography)

7/1/08 |


6/17/08 |

So sleepy! 6/17/08

6/12/08 |

Sunshine Yellow Girl, 6/6/08 |

254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-300-7607; text or leave message for callback
This site © 2001-2019 by
Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised March 30, 2019