Jed's Page

Fern Hill's Tennessee Jed JH SR500760/04
Sire: Trifectas Repeat Performance *** MH,UD,CCA,VCX,WCX,OS,CGC,Can CD
Dam: Adirondac Hilfy of Fern Hill CDX OD CCA TDI CGC ASCA-CD SR017085/01
Born June 5, 2008

Jed at 9 months, 3/7/09.
Born 4th, Jed was one of the darkest puppies in the litter and one of the most active. As a young puppy,
he was brave, very personable, loved to splash in the wading pool, and was ferocious with toys and his siblings. A very athletic and active
puppy, his ambition is to chase ducks when he grows up. He went home with Lloyd and Leigha Montgomery of Knoxville, who are excited about
helping him achieve that dream! We are pleased that the Montgomerys live nearby, and we have
enjoyed seeing him grow up in person. Jed is being trained for field work over at Jody Ware's, along with our puppy Callie and half-brother from Hilfy's
2nd litter, Rusty. Jed completed his Junior Hunter title with 4 passes in 4 attempts at 16 months of age on October 18, 2009. Now he gets to
spend fall and early winter putting this training to good use accompanying Lloyd duck hunting, before going back into training for Senior Hunter.
News about Jed 2009
October 10, 2009:
Jed completes his Junior Hunter title! Lloyd and Jed finished his title at the Atlanta Retriever Club
fall hunt tests. More details soon!
October 10, 2009:
Jed earns his first two Junior Hunter Ribbons! Lloyd and Jim handled Jed and his littermate, our
Callie, in the EAst Tennessee Retriever Club fall hunt tests. Jed passed both of the tests with flying colors! (So did Callie!) Picture
below is of the proud owners and their dogs --

Left to right: Lloyd Montgomery with Jed and Jim with Callie, 10/4/09
April 16, 2009:
Editor's Note: These pictures are from our trip to Jody's to visit our Callie, Jed, and Rusty.

Jed on a long land mark

Jed (in back) with his half brother Rusty
March 17, 2009: Went to Jody's today to visit. It was great and I got to handle Jed a little bit. He responded very well and
seemed to do better in the water, judging from Jody's reaction. I think it went a long way in lifting his spirits that I was there. Both he and Callie
look incredible and have gotten very muscular. Jed's head has gotten huge and he looks a good bit like one of the pictures of Ditto that I have seen in
the past. His coat is extremely thick and he has muscled up. It was just good to see him and know that he is doing well and having fun. The thing I
noticed the most is his drive to get the birds. He was much quicker and much more excited to be working than I remember. I think he is figuring out
that it is a lot of fun!

Bumper practice at Jody's, 2/7/09

At Jody's, 3/18/09
December 12, 2008: Note from Karen: Jed and the Montgomery's came for a
visit today. Jed is growing up and looking really beautiful. He is MUCH
bigger than Callie, and a beautiful dark red. Here are two pictures I took of him that
show his nice build and pretty head. What a sweet guy, too!
December 2, 2008: Jed is getting
humongous and his muscles are really developing. He is absolutely
gorgeous when he is sitting perked up watching me with his tennis ball
or bumper. He looks a lot like Hilfy! I notice when he stands to the
side and looks over, he looks exactly like Hilfy. When he sits down he
looks a lot like Ditto. Pretty amazing. Here are some recent pics of him:
October 21, 2008: Jed is doing great and graduates
from Puppy Class tonight. He has done well, but we figured out that he
enjoyed other people's treats more than ours, so we switched gears and
now he is all over it. We took him to a doggy daycare last Friday and a
few of his buddies were there. He found a mud puddle and tracked mud
all in the house. They said he looked like a black lab and had to give
him a bath. He can't miss anything, but they tried to get him to sleep
a little bit. That lasted about 30 minutes and he was back to
wrestling. It was great because he slept all weekend. We are going to
start taking him once a week since he enjoyed it so much. He has lost
most of his teeth and he is huge. Can't really pick him up anymore.

Jed's portrait, 9/12/08.
September 2:
Took Jed to a dove hunt yesterday and he had more fun than he has ever had in his 12
weeks. His main job was to ride around on the 4-wheeler and deliver
waters to hunters, but he also got to see what bird hunting is all
about. He is not gun shy at all, and was fired up when we threw a bird
out for him to retrieve. He loved it and ran around showing it off.
Another time he was on the 4-wheeler and watched a bird get shot and
fall to the ground. You could see in his eyes that he had fallen in
love. The bird was wounded so we put him down to see what he would do.
He ran after it and attacked it. He killed it and ran around showing it
off again.
I can see that Jed has the talent to be a MH, so we are going
to work towards that. We are also thinking about breeding him
down the road, once he gets all of his features checked out. We will
obviously work with you on all the requirements. He is just too good of
a dog and I think we have a waiting list already!
Jed goes after leaves that are moving now and anything that MIGHT be a
bird. It is amazing how much he learned in that one outing. There is
no doubt that that is what he wants to do and it is more fun watching
him than hunting.
Jed did have a stomach bug and he had very bad diarrhea. Every time we came home he had gone in the crate. He
was pretty much potty trained before that, so we knew something was
wrong. We thought it might be worms or giardia or something, so we took
him to the emergency clinic over the weekend. They said it was negative
on the worms and everything but they treated him for both. Within a day
or two his stools were back to normal and now he is back on schedule too.
He is signed up with Jody Ware beginning January 1.
August 12: We are trying to socialize him as much as possible, but he still doesn't
really know how to act around other dogs. He gets fired up with some
and goes nuts, and shys away from others. He has been snapped at a few
times by older dogs for nipping too much, but I guess that is a good way
for him to learn???? He goes wild when he sees other golden retrievers. We love him so much and he is so smart. He
already knows Kennel (when he is so tired he doesn't care), sit, down,
and getting better at come. He is somewhat catching on to 'Jed.' He
sulks when he gets in trouble and loves to chase anything you throw.
August 5: Jed is doing great and has adjusted to his
relocation/separation from momma. He is doing well retrieving in the
house, but have not worked with him outside. He is enrolled in Puppy
Class (Diane's Canine School) and I expect to speak to Jody soon about
the requirements before he can be sent to him [for hunt training]. I would love to time it
up where he can be there with your Callie. Jed is following a
few commands (with a lot of treats) and we are working with him on his
puppy nipping. He has gone on quite a few walks and depending on his
mood, he does very well. He loves to show me that he is tough and it is
funny to watch. He has had fun with other dogs and has gotten put in
his place a few times as well (nothing bad but he bites some dogs a
little harder than he should and they are teaching him). He is great
and we appreciate everything you have done to make him the best he can


Jed's portrait, 7/29/08.


Not real sure about these baths....
Baby Pictures at Fernhill

Jed leaving Fernhill with new owner Leigha Montgomery, 7/26/08.

7-week portrait, 7/24/08 |

Red at 6 weeks, 7/18/08

In a hurry - 7/10/08 |


Red kisses McKenzie 6/27/08 |

Red's Portrait, 6/24/08

Red with toy, 6/24/08

6/17/08 -- Yum! |

6/12/08 |

Red Boy, 6/6/08 |

254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-300-7607; text or leave message for callback
This site © 2001-2009 by
Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised October 20, 2009