Py's Page

Fern Hill Py in the Sky MH ("Py") SS034389/02
Sire: AFC Topbrass Hawks Red Wing MH CCA ("Red")
Dam: Fern Hill Pandemonium MH WCX OD OD SR679046/01
Born January 24, 2018

Py at 6 years, March 6, 2024
Py was the 2nd puppy in Panda's third litter. Out of 9 puppies, 8 of them were girls,
so we had a lot to choose from -- but Py stood out from the first with her brains, personality and looks. She loves people but isn't
excessively needy; is very driven to retrieve and cooperates well with the program, and learns like the wind. She is also cuddly and adorable!
She was supposed to start testing at the senior level in early spring 2020; this was delayed because of the pandemic. We took her out to
one test in October and she passed her first senior leg, then finished up her Senior Hunter title in 4 tests in a row in April
and May 2021. She went on immediately into Master tests, and passed 5 in a row from May to her title on August 1. She passed 10 AKC high-level
hunt tests in a row, which is quite an achievement. In her first Master test, one pro standing nearby said, "You are taking her to the Master National, right?"
and I had to explain that she didn't qualify for this year's MN since this was her very first Master test. We are so proud of her!
She got standing ovations from the gallery and compliments from the judges on a number of her series runs, for her style, marking ability, and
her precision blinds. She had her first litter in September 2022, see info below. We plan to breed her again in fall/winter 2024.
Clearance Information ||
Titles ||
Pedigree ||
Litters ||

(Py's clearances can be verified on the OFA website here.)
CHIC #151221
Elbows: NORMAL (OFA GR-EL49614F29-VPI)
Heart: CLEAR (OFA GR-CA36553/30F/C-VPI)
PRA-prcd (Progressive Retinal Atrophy): CLEAR (OFA GR-PRA1525/29F-PI)
PRA-1 (Progressive Retinal Atrophy, type 1): CLEAR (OFA GR-GR1-1504/29F-PI)
PRA-2 (Progressive Retinal Atrophy, type 2): CLEAR (OFA GR-GR2-897/11F-PI)
Icthyosis: CLEAR (OFA GR-ICH1598/29F-PI)
DM (Degenerative Myelopathy): CLEAR (OFA GR-DM758/11F-PI)
NCL (Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis): CLEAR (OFA GR-CL5-2490/29F-PI)

Py's Titles
- Master Hunter: Py had five passes from May through August 2021. She passed every test she entered!
- Senior Hunter: Py skipped Junior and went straight in to Senior, so she needed five passes to title. We got
off to a late start with her because of the pandemic, but she completed her title
with 5 straight passes beginning in October 2020 to early May 2021,at just over 3 years.

Py's Pedigree

Py with puppies, October 2022
Py's Photo Album
Py Grows Up

Py at home, September 19, 2021

Py with Master Hunter ribbons, August 1, 2021

Py with her trainer, Jody Ware, after her title run

Py with her Senior Hunter ribbons, April 2021

Py, October 25, 2020

Training, September 15, 2020

Py (on the right) shares a bumper with her sister Zoey, 7/14/19

Py at 18 months

Py with her big sister Zoey, July 13, 2019

Training, July 15, 2019

Py in the field, 4/10/19


Py, March 20, 2019 -- 15 months

Py is a happy girl! 3/20/19
Py's Puppy Pictures

Py with her sire Red and his owner Ernie Hawkins, 4/12/18

Py begins her toilet training 3/14/18

Py at 7 weeks, 3/14/18 |

Py at 6 weeks, 3/07/18 |

Py at 5 weeks, 2/28/18 |

Py at 4 weeks, 2/21/18 |

Py at 3 weeks, 2/14/18 |

Py at 2 weeks, 2/7/18 |

Py at 1 week, 1/31/18

Py at 1 day old, 1/25/18

Panda and pups, 1/31/18

254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-300-7607; text or leave message for callback
This site © 2001-2024 by
Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised June 20, 2024