Litter #13


Litter born September 18, 2022 -- Reg.# SS368660
Sire: Wynwood's Over The Top MH13 QA2 CCA SR91901001("Topper")
Dam: Fern Hill Py In The Sky MH SS034389/02 ("Py")
(AFC Topbrass Hawk's Red Wing MH CCA OS x Fern Hill Pandemonium MH WCX OD)
Py's first litter was born on September 18, 2022 -- three girls and four boys.
The sire of this litter, Topper, is a handsome, dark red Michigan boy, who in relatively light competition has earned impressive titles in both field trials and hunt testing,
and is still competing. Py got a late start on competition because of the pandemic, but earned her Senior Hunter title in the spring of 2022 and immediately
went on to her Master Hunter title in the fall of 2022 -- 10 straight passes
in a row, with standing ovations from the gallery on at least three occasions for her spectacular work.
Py's sire Red was a well-known field trial competitor who earned all his titles, including the coveted AFC, completely trained and handled by his owner.
Even more amazingly, he was his owner's very first dog! His Outstanding Sire title was earned entirely through the accomplishments of his offspring by our Panda.
Panda is Py's dam; she earned her Master Hunter title while still two years old, and had 3 litters totalling 25 puppies.
The talents and sucess of her progeny earned Panda her Outstanding Dam title shortly after turning 7 years of age, and she now has enough qualifying
get and points to have three Outstanding Dam titles!
We are excited about this litter, who at a very young age are also proving to be talented, cooperative, smart, and good looking dogs that are eager to please. Four of them
have gone to prospective competition homes, and we look forward to watching them progress! To see a pedigree for this breeding, look here.
We kept one of the girls, Fern Hill I Mint To Do That (Mint); all the others have gone to their new homes. For general information on getting a puppy from us in the future,
refer to our Puppy Information Page
or contact us via email .
Topper's portraits

Py training
To see puppy pictures from this litter, go to the Online Google photo album, or
check out each puppy's individual page (see drop down menu at top under "Litter Members").

254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-300-7607; text or leave message for callback
This site © 2001-2023 by
Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised July 7, 2023