Tenny's Page

Fern Hill's Lucky Tenny At The Farm ("Tenny") SS368660/02
Sire: Wynwood's Over The Top MH13 QA2 CCA SR91901001("Topper")
Dam: Fern Hill Py In The Sky MH SS034389/02 ("Py")
Born September 18, 2022

Tenny at 8 weeks
Tenny was the second puppy in Py's first litter. Originally known as "Pink Girl," she distinguished herself from the first
with her sparkly personality, gorgeous face, and cute antics. She went to live with Chip and Sandra Morris on their farm in upstate
New York, where she joins several other Goldens. The Morris's do obedience competition and are working towards hunt testing. In
fact, they train with our dear friends the Koguts, who entrusted us with Tenny's Great-Great-Grandmother Adirondac Hilfy of Fern Hill
20 years ago, and currently own two of Tenny's mom's Py's full brothers. We look forward to following Tenny's progress as she grows
Tenny's Photo Album
Puppy Pictures

Sandra at Fern Hill with Tenny and mama Py

Tenny at home in NY with Chip, 11/11/22 |

Tenny at 7 weeks, 11/6/22 |

Tenny at 6 weeks, 10/30/22 |

Tenny at 5 weeks, 10/23/22 |

Tenny at 4 weeks, 10/16/22 |

Tenny at 3 weeks, 10/09/22 |

Tenny at 2 weeks, 10/02/22 |

Tenny at 1 week, 9/25/22

Tenny at 12 hours old, 9/19/22

Py and day-old pups, 9/19/22

254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-300-7607; text or leave message for callback
This site © 2001-2022 by
Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised December 20, 2022