Litter #3!!


Litter born March 26, 2007
Sire: AFC AFTCH Rosehill's Mr. Speaker MH OS FDHF CCA
Dam: Adirondac Hilfy of Fern Hill CDX OD CCA TDI CGC ASCA-CD SR017085/01
(SR Highland Hoya MH, WCX, OS #SN404168/12 x Adirondac My-Tee Marcy MH,CDX,WCX,Can WC,OD,CCA,TDI,CGC #SN480493/01)

Pregnant Hilfy, March 21, 2007

Rosehill's Mr. Speaker at 11
Hilfy had four large, active puppies on March 26, 2007 - three boys and a girl.
We now have 17 full siblings on the ground from this very successful cross -- see also our
litter of 8 whelped May 2005 and the litter of 5 boys born in
August 2006. These pups are proving to be as outstanding as their older brothers and sisters. For You-Tube video
clips of these puppies, click here.
Click on a puppy name below (listed in birth order) to go to baby pictures of that puppy and links to each puppy's own page.
The "Puppies" link will take you to pictures of puppies in groups.
Reilly ||
Chilli ||
Hunter ||
Sedona ||
Reilly (Boy Blue) was born first and latched onto a teat before he was even completely out. He weighed in at
a strapping 22 ounces, but Hilfy didn't have much trouble getting him born -- guess he was hungry! He was the only one with a small
white spot on his forehead like his mother Hilfy, which faded before he flew off to Boise, Idaho at 8 weeks. He was the
second biggest at going-home time, and is a handsome, well balanced puppy. He is also very, very sweet and cheerful. He has
gone to live with Erik Carlson and Jennifer Bremer, who plan to try him in obedience and agility. We wish them the best with this
most happy fella! For more pictures and updates from his family,
see Reilly's page.

Reilly with new owners Erik Carlson and Jen Bremer, 5/21/07.

Reilly's 6 week portrait, 5/5/07

Reilly's first trip outside, 4/20/07

Blue puppy blinks, 4/6/07

Our daughter has a weird sense of humor... Blue at 12 hours
This little guy was born second, and weighed 18 ounces. He is the smallest puppy in the litter,
but is still a good sized boy. He is the clown of the litter, but he does have a temper! He also
has an incredible prey drive. He is second lightest in color and will be a medium red. We started
calling him Chili Pepper at a young age because of his spicy, bouncy personality, and the name seems
to have stuck!
See Chilli's Page. for news updates,
growing-up pictures, and more puppy pictures.

Chilli with his new family -- Tim and Sandy Farr, and their other dogs, Burberry and Danny, 5/15/07.

Chili on the way to the barn, 5/10/07

Portrait of Chili, 5/5/07

Red has eyes! 4/6/07

Red Boy, 12 hours
Hunter (whose puppy name was 'The Green Dragon') was born third, after a lengthy (1.5 hour) wait.
He was the largest puppy from the start, and the darkest in color. He is also the one with the most stamina -- always the 'last
man standing' after a play session. As a puppy, he was bold, cheerful, cuddly, and good natured. He went home to New York State, near Albany, where
he will join his handsome granddad SR Highland Hoya MH WCX OS as a hunter, hunt test competitor, and housepet for Jack and Donna Bussey. He has a lot of potential in
this field, and we are excited to see how he does!
See Hunter's Page for news updates,
growing-up pictures, and more puppy pictures.

New owner Jack Bussey with Hunter at Fern Hill

Hunter's 6-week portrait, 5/5/07

Hunter at 4 weeks, 4/25/07 |

Green looks at the world, 11 days old |

Green Dragon at 12 hours
Sedona, aka 'The Pink Princess', was born fourth and was our last chance for a girl. We gave Hilfy a big kiss for her! She was in a hurry
and came out within minutes of Hunter. She weighed a healthy 18 ounces at birth and is the lightest color of the
bunch. She has gone to New York State, near Buffalo, to live with Diane and Tom SanFilipo and their other goldens -- her Aunt Summer,
Hilfy's littermate, and her Uncle Sundance (Hilfy and Summer's half brother). She will be learning hunt and obedience. She
is a character, very bold and beautiful, regal even as a puppy, and very full of herself. She had no trouble mixing it up
with her brothers, and is a large puppy, always within an ounce either side of Boy Blue. See Sedona's Page
for news, at-home pictures, and more baby shots.

Sedona with new owners Tom and Diane Sanfilippo, and their other dogs -- Sedona's Uncle Sundance
and her Aunt Summer, 5/15/07. |

Sedona's 6-week portrait, 5/5/07

Sedona explores the patio, 4/25/07 |

Pink with eyes, 4/6/07 |

The Pink Princess, 12 hours old 3/26/07

Apres lunch, 4/1/07

Puppy Pile, 3/31/07

Growing family with proud Hilfy, 3/31/07

Puppies in the laundry basket, 3/30/07 |

Puppies at 12 hours

First picture of the new family, 3/26/07 |

254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-300-7607; text or leave message for callback
This site © 2001-2009 by
Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised March 26, 2009