Fern Hill Pets

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Cats, Purebred and Otherwise

Miss Kitty, our decorator cat. Born sometime in late May 1997, she picked us out at the local
feed store when she was 6 weeks old and has ruled us all ever since.

Bengoria Mabitso Inoshow, AKA Prince Ranier
Sire: RW SGC Bengoria Billy the Kid
Dam: Bitterroot Angeni of Bengoria
This handsome gentleman is a registered Bengal, which is a cross between the domestic cat and the Asian Leopard Cat.
His official name, Mabitso Inoshow, sounds Oriental -- but say it slowly, and it works out to
"Ma Bit, So I No Show." When he was born, his mother got so carried away in
cleaning him up that she accidentally bit off part of his tail. So despite his fancy
pedigree and good looks, he couldn't be shown in championship competition. After a stint as a breeder,
he is now retired to be a much beloved pet. Many thanks to Nancy Prince of
PrinceRoyal Bengals for this lovely boy. Be
sure to check out Nancy's site for lots of gorgeous pictures of her beautiful Bengals, or to
get one of your own!

Taffy McClanahan, super hunter. Another feed store cat who led coordinated rat hunts in the barn before
his death this past spring at the all-too-young age of 11. We'll miss this guy!

Dogs, Past and Present
Omega Man, Taffy McClanahan, and McKenzie. We call this picture "Redheads"; it was an
unsuccessful entry in a owner-pet look-alike contest back in 1998. We think it's a winner, anyway!
Omega Man was our most wonderful Golden Retriever. You can see more pictures of him here.

Christie (Christine Murphy, a Shetland Sheepdog), Lucky (an Australian Shepherd),
and Omega with Ryan in 2001.

Omega, Lucky, Taffy McClanahan, and Snowy Owl in the spring sunshine (April 1997).

Miscellaneous Pets

Ryan and friend, 1999 -- Daffodil, a Golden Comet hen

254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-717-1019
FAX: 775-261-0914
This site © 2001-2005 by
Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised September 17, 2005