Violet's Page

Fern Hill Panda's Sunday Best MH WCX MAH HTHF SR963786/10 ("Violet")
Sire: AFC The Sunday Swimmer OS FDHF SR480559/03 ("Wyatt")
Dam: Fern Hill Pandemonium MH WCX OD SR679046/01("Panda")
Born December 5, 2016

Violet qualified at the 2023 Master Amateur National Invitational Hunt Test for the third time, earning her MAH and HTHF titles
As a young puppy, Violet was a virtual twin to our Zoey, both in looks and in personality. She went to live in California
with Bruce Hayes, a noted hunt test competitor who trains with our other 'California connection', Fern Hill Ryman MH and
his owner. When it came time to for Bruce to get a new puppy, he decided that he wanted one 'just like Ryman'. We are happy to report that Violet is
doing very well for him. She now lives with her littermate brother Chi as well, who joined Bruce's pack at age 9 months.
She passed four for four Junior Hunter tests and titled at 9.5 months -- the youngest dog in all the tests.
Violet earned her Senior Hunter title on November 11, 2018, at not quite two years old, becoming Panda's fourth qualifying get and completing Panda's Outstanding Dam title.
Violet then went on to pass 4 Master Hunter tests before age 3 in Fall of 2019, and finished up her title in the early spring of 2020. In April 2023, she passed
her third Master Amateur National Invitational Hunt Test in Giddings, Texas, and currently has a total of 43 Master passes. She has now earned the AKC title Master
Amateur Hunter and has entered the GRCA Hunt Test Hall of Fame. We are so very proud of this girl and wish her and Bruce continued success!
News About Violet:


Bruce Hayes and Violet attended the rescheduled 2020 Master Amateur Invitational Hunt Test which was held April 18-25, 2021 in Corning, California -- and were one of the qualifiers!
Congratulations to you guys -- this is a huge achievement, and Violet is the first of the Fern Hill Goldens to qualify at one of these national-level tests. Bruce has done
all of the training on Violet -- what a team, way to go, guys! |

Violet at one year

Bruce Hayes with his two 9-month old Fern Hill puppies: Violet on the left, Chi on the right.

December 2017: Violet working in the field
Baby Pictures

Bruce Hayes with his new Fern Hill puppy Violet; mother Panda is on his left and grandmother Penny on the right.

Violet at 8 weeks
Seven weeks, 1/24/17

Six weeks, 1/17/17

Five weeks, 1/10/17

Four weeks, 1/3/17

Three weeks old, 12/27/17

Two weeks old, 12/20/16/30/09

One week old, 12/13/17

1 day old, 12/7/16

Panda and newborn pups, 12/06/17

254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-300-7607; text or leave message for callback
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Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised May 5, 2023