Rowan's Page

Fern Hill Rowan at the Crossroads SR963786/03 ("Rowan")
Sire: AFC The Sunday Swimmer OS FDHF OS FDHF SR480559/03 ("Wyatt")
Dam: Fern Hill Pandemonium MH WCX OD OD SR679046/01
Born December 5, 2016

Rowan was the first boy to appear, a large, robust puppy from the start. From the first, he was a problem
solver (let's see, how can I get out of this whelping box? How can I get this tin lid off the floor?) and had unusually early use
of his nose. He went home with Chris Miller, initially of Knoxville but who has now moved to Hood River, Oregon. Chris is working
with Rowan in obedience, tracking, and field work. He is a large dog, and at 2 years is over 70 pounds
oflean muscle.
News About Rowan: coming soon!
Baby Pictures

Chris Miller with his new Fern Hill puppy Rowan
Rowan at 7 weeks, 1/24/17

Rowan at 6 weeks, 1/17/17

Rowan at 5 weeks, 1/10/17

Rowan at 4 weeks, 1/3/17

Rowan at 3 weeks, 12/27/17

Rowan at 2 weeks, 12/20/16/30/09

Rowan at 1 week, 12/13/17

1 day old, 12/7/16

Panda and newborn pups, 12/06/17

254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-300-7607; text or leave message for callback
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Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised January 5,2019