Riley's Page

Fern Hill Rip Roarin Riley SR963786/09 ("Riley")
Sire: AFC The Sunday Swimmer OS FDHF OS FDHF SR480559/03 ("Wyatt")
Dam: Fern Hill Pandemonium MH WCX OD OD SR679046/01
Born December 5, 2016
Riley has gone home with Nina Aversano and her daughter Jackie, where she joins two other Fern Hill boys -- Fernhill Shakin Jake and
Fern Hill Duke of Wellington. Nina is the first person to have THREE Fern Hill Goldens! I am happy to say that they all get along very well, split their
time between Florida and New Jersey, do good work as therapy dogs, and enjoy dabbling in rally and agility. Nina is great about keeping us informed about their exploits!
News About Riley:
Coming soon!
Baby Pictures

Jackie Boudria and Nina Aversano with their new Fern Hill puppy Riley
Seven weeks, 1/24/17

Six weeks, 1/17/17

Five weeks, 1/10/17

Four weeks, 1/3/17

Three weeks old, 12/27/17

Two weeks old, 12/20/16/30/09

One week old, 12/13/17

1 day old, 12/7/16

Panda and newborn pups, 12/06/17

254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-300-7607; text or leave message for callback
This site © 2001-2017 by
Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised August 17, 2017