Sleet's Page

Fern Hill Sleet SR963786/02 ("Sleet")
Sire: AFC The Sunday Swimmer OS FDHF OS FDHF SR480559/03 ("Wyatt")
Dam: Fern Hill Pandemonium MH WCX OD OD SR679046/01
Born December 5, 2016
Sleet was a large, healthy puppy from the start, and one that has shown early promise for a hunting career.
She is going home with Jim Wallace, who owned Rain from our very first litter in 2005. Wally of course doesn't spoil his dogs --
but they get to run on the beach, play in the river, spend a couple of weeks a year hunting in South Dakota, be with him pretty
much all the time, and drink out of a silver water bowl..... If there is such a thing as reincarnation I wouldn't mind coming back
as one of Wally's dogs!
News About Sleet: coming soon!
Baby Pictures
Sleet at 7 weeks, 1/24/17

Sleet at 6 weeks, 1/17/17

Sleet at 5 weeks, 1/10/17

Sleet at 4 weeks, 1/3/17

Sleet at 3 weeks, 12/27/17

Sleet at 2 weeks, 12/20/16/30/09

Sleet at 1 week, 12/13/17

1 day old, 12/7/16

Panda and newborn pups, 12/06/17

254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-300-7607; text or leave message for callback
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Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised January 25,2017