Jake's Page

Fern Hill Meadowbrae Legacy CDX MH TKA WC CCA VC SR872777/01 ("Jake")
Sire: AFC Topbrass Hawks Red Wing MH CCA ("Red")
Dam: Fern Hill Pandemonium MH WCX OD SR679046/01 ("Panda")
Born April 16, 2015
Jake training -- Kevin Crinklaw photo
Jake was the firstborn, a strapping big puppy who from the time he opened his eyes would sit and STARE at things -- very bright,
very thoughtful, very active. Very smart boy! We were delighted that he went home with the Koguts of New York, who were the co-breeders with Adirondac Kennels
of our foundation dam Hilfy all those years ago. His name "Legacy" acknowledges the connection back to Joan's old girl Marcy, Hilfy's dam;
Meadowbrae is the Kogut's current kennel name. Jake loves life on the Kogut's upstate farm with his great-aunt Brandi, his cousin Bonnie, and his little brother
Fern Hill Meadowbrae Full Circle ("Jesse"). Jake loves training and is an amazingly quick
and enthusiastic learner. He made his competition debut at the 2015 Golden Retriever National Specialty in Ohio, JAMMing in
the Puppy Stakes field event at a few months of age. In 2016, he earned his Junior Hunter title in four straight tests at 15 months old, and passed three Senior Hunter tests before turning 18 months old.
He finished his Senior title in 2017 as a two year old (in addition to his CD, Trick Dog Novice and WC) and his Trick Dog Intermediate and Master titles in 2018 at age 3. He passed the first 14 AKC tests he entered,
with both Ken and Joan handling, and passed 5 out of 6 Master tests, only time not passing when he couldn't retrieve a sunken duck. During 2019, he earned his Certificate of Conformation Assessment (CCA) title
from the GRCA; his Companion Dog Excellent (CDX) title in a 24 hour period, with placements in each of three legs; his Versatility title (VC); his Trick Dog Advanced title (TKA); and qualified for the aster Amateur. He is still competing
successfully in Master tests, and will be coming out for Utility obedience next spring. What a guy!
News About Jake:

Jake by the Garden, July 15, 2019 |

Jake training, July 13, 2019 |

Jake with two of his 5 Master Hunter ribbons. He also earned his Trick Dog Intermediate title this year.
Below, Jake at home with his full brother Jesse, born in 2018. Jake is under the table.


Jake entered a dock diving competition in 2017 and won 2nd place in the Big Air competition. He also finished
his SH title and earned a CD and a WC this year.

At home, Jake particularly enjoys down time with his cat friends

Date: Jake went to two double Junior Hunter tests on two weekend in July 2016, and passed them all to earn his JH title. Congratulations, Ken, Joan, and Jake!
Summer 2015

Date: 08/22/15. Jim and I spent a weekend in New York with the Koguts, other friends, and lots of dogs! Here is
Joan with cousins Rose, Bonnie, and Jake, and a portrait of Jake by the flowers (they are delicious).

Date: 07/04/15. Jake learns to swim and leap off docks....

Date: 06/15/15. Jake at his new home in NY -- meeting the cat, looking cute...
Baby Pictures

Left to right: Grandmother Penny, mother Panda, Joan and Jake, Great Grandmother Hilfy

Joan and Jake, 7 weeks, 6/3/15

Jake at 6 weeks, 5/28/15

Jake at 5 weeks, 5/21/15

Jake at 4 weeks, 5/14/15

Jake at 3 weeks, 5/7/15

Jake at 2 weeks, 4/30/09

Jake at 1 week, 4/23/15

2 days old, 4/18/15

Panda and 2-day old pups, 4/18/15

254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-300-7607; text or leave message for callback
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Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised 11/15/19, 2019