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This is the "girls" page. Listed below are
all the producing cows and up-and-coming heifers in our herd. One of the advantages of Beefmasters is the wide variety of colors they
come in. This makes it easy to tell them all apart, and makes calving time a
real surprise! We have been breeding Beefmasters for more than 25 years now, and are producing better calves than ever, many of them polled.
Purebreds ||
Second Cross Beefmasters||
Our Purebred Beefmasters
FH Wings 06-10 #C989591, purebred red paint cow b. 4/10/10 (Osiris x
FH Richland). This is the one we waited for as her dam's replacement. Everything
is right about this beautiful, well built, pretty-faced and extremely eye-catching cow! She has a great underline and a good deep, scopey body.
Her second calf, flashy paint heifer by
Commander was born on January 18, 2014, just 9 months and 10 days after we put her back in
with the bull last spring.

FH Wings 06-10 (2 years) (Osiris x
FH Richland)
FH Flight 08-10 #C989593, purebred black paint cow b. 5/3/10 (Osiris x
FH Mayfly). Just what we ordered -- and slick polled too. Out of our #1 cow Mayfly, we love her bone,
length, topline, long neck, underline, overall femininity, and the flashy color doesn't hurt either! Her first three calves, all by
Commander have been outstanding. She is a great mother with a lot of milk. We are planning to keep
her 2015 heifer for our herd.

FH Flight 08-10 (2.5 years) (Osiris x
FH Mayfly)
FH Ireland 04-10 #C989589, purebred dark red or brown cow b. 3/26/10 (Osiris x
FH Janiebiker). Janie's first calf -- a big, solid and very feminine purebred cow with a heavily mottled underline,
an interesting star like an Irish harp on her face, a small roan patch on her off side and her nose, slight dappling all over, and brockling on both hind legs.
Very smooth and super pretty, great bone, very gentle. She had her first calf, a flashy paint polled bull in October 2012.
We think he is pretty spectacular -- large and beautifully built, gentle and friendly. You can see his picture here.
The sire is our Commander. Ireland had a heifer full sister on January 11, just 9 months
and a week after being put back in with the bull last spring. Irelands first two calves are already showing us that she is something special as a mama, and her 2015 calf,
another handsome bull, was sold at 2 weeks.

FH Ireland 04-10 (2.5 years) (Osiris x
FH Janiebiker)
FH Rain 02-11, BBU #C1001483, purebred red or brown cow b. 2/28/11 (Osiris x
FH Alexandra). Very pretty and feminine polled cow with a lovely long neck, smooth body, excellent topline and good
bones. Rain has a white underline, a few small white spots on her hind feet, and a white-tipped tail. Looks very much like her mother Alexandra,
only she is bigger, longer through the body, a more interesting color, has a prettier head, and is POLLED. Her first calf was a gorgeous heifer
by Commander. Her second, also by Commander, is a dandy bull born in January 2014.
Rain, like her mother before her, handled her first mothering assignment without ANY loss of condition. The third calf born in 2015 is a heifer that we plan to
keep in our herd at least for a while. |

FH Rainstorm 02-11 (15 months) (Osiris x
FH Alexandra)

FH Strawberry Plains 02-14 (11 days) (Commander x FH Wings)
FH Strawberry Plains 02-14, BBU pending: purebred red paint heifer, polled/scurred, b. 1/18/14 (Commander x
FH Wings). Wow -- fancy red paint, great underline, very appealing and nicely built young heifer. New picture coming soon as soon as the mud
dries up!

FH Thomasina 02-15 (10 days) (Commander x FH Flight)
FH Thomasina 02-15, BBU pending: purebred brindle or black heifer, probably polled, b. 2/13/15 (Commander x
FH Flight). Not a white hair on her! Her mother is Mayfly's beauty queen daughter FH Flight. If she is polled (both parents are) we
will keep her for our herd.
FH Sleet 03-15, BBU pending: purebred red paint heifer, probably polled, b. 2/16/15 (Commander x
FH Rain). This girl is tough -- survived two weeks of subzero temperatures, ice and snow and didn't miss a beat. If she is polled (both parents are) we
will keep her for our herd.
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Second Cross Beefmasters
A Second Cross or 2X cow is at least 75% Beefmaster. Under the terms of the BBU upgrade program, heifers
must be inspected by a BBU representative at 12 months of age or older before they can be registered as a 2X.
The offspring of a purebred Beefmaster bull and a registered 2X cow are considered to be
purebred without further inspection. We usually did not sell our 2X candidate heifers until after they were
inspected and registered. The boys were normally sold at the local sale barn at weaning time, but a number of them were
purchased for use as bulls on commercial herds. NOTE: we are no longer producing 2X calves; all our calves now are purebred.
"FH Mayfly" BBU#S22252, U1-2 (Secret Weapon x **September).
Black brindle close-to-paint polled cow, born 5/23/03. Mayfly is outstanding in every way --
rated U1-2 by BBU, has an easy-going personality, has great looking calves every year (and two in 2014),
rebreeds easily, is a wonderful mother with a huge amount of milk, never loses condition, and at age 10 is still
going so strong that we are planning to keep her for another several years. A tiny calf when born,
she grew up to be a larger cow than her Typesetter mother, **September, and is even better looking.
Accepted as a second cross on August 1, 2004, and classified as U1-2 in September 2009. She has had ten calves so
far -- 6 bulls and 4 heifers in a variety of colors:
two red paints, four reds, two blacks, and two black paints. All but one have been polled. We also have kept her
daughter FH Flight in our herd and she is following in her mother's hoofprints.

Mayfly (Secret Weapon x **September)
at 7 years, 8/29/10
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254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-300-7607; text or leave message for callback
This site © 2002-2015 by
Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised March 9, 2015