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Spread Spectrum Scene
Pseudo-Noise (PN) Codes
PN codes are the very heart of EVERY Spread Spectrum system. To
design, build or understand a Spread Spectrum system requires a working knowledge of and a thorough
insight into these somewhat "mystical" codes. This page provides links to PN Code
information, theory, implementation and practice.
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PN Code Information on SSS Online
"An Introduction to Linear Recursive Sequences in Spread Spectrum Systems"
by Richard Schwarz (revised 12/01 to include information on W-CDMA and other commercial systems (~800K)
(Thanks, Rick and Filtronic Signal Solutions,Inc.)
J. Meel's (De Nayer Institute) SS Introduction,
section 5: "Pseudo Noise Sequences PN"
"PN-Generators Embedded in High Performance Signal Processors,"
2001 paper by Ulrich Walther & Gerhard Fettweis, Dresden University of Technology
"Detecting Pseudo-Noise
(PN) Spread Spectrum Signals," by Maurice L. Schiff, Ph.D.
Spread Spectrum Tutorial , an intro to PN Codes
Spread Spectrum Background , how PN Codes are used in SS Systems
"Data Randomizing with Pseudo-Noise Coding Techniques" ,
By C. R. Netherton, Decom Systems
Short PN Code Sidebar
Build a 5 stage PN Gen
Build a PAL/GAL 11 Bit Barker PN Generator
Build a 1 to 16 bit Universal PN Generator
DBM - PN Gen Interfacing Tricks
PIC17C42 Firmware PN Generator Design Description
FBASIC TICKIT Firmware PN Generator Description
PN Code Information on the Web
"The Effects of PN Sequences on the Misconvergence of the Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA)",
by R. A. Axford, Jr., L. B. Milstein, and J. R. Zeidler, 1998 paper in IEEE Transactions
Spreading Sequences and PN Sequences, 2000 paper by Byoung Jo Choi, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Mobile Multimedia Research Group
Dr. Andy Klapper's Papers on PN Codes
"Pseudonoise Sequences
in DSSS Technique," Fall 2000 presentation slides, Dr. Steve Russell, Iowa State U
"Regenerative Pseudonoise Ranging
-- The effective return ranging power could be increased greatly," June 2001 paper from
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California
Curve Pseudorandom Sequence Generators ," 1999 paper, Guang Gong et al, University of Waterloo
A Bibliography on Linear Complexity and Related Topics
Prof. Jack Glas' 1996 online Textbook/Thesis: "Non-Cellular Wireless
Communication Systems" . The link leads you to a page where you can download the pdf. The first couple of pages are in Dutch, but by
the time you get to the thesis itself it is in English.
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