Introduction to Spread Spectrum
by Randy Roberts, Director of RF/Spread Spectrum Consulting (Retired)
Over the last eight or nine years a new commercial marketplace has been emerging. Called spread
spectrum, this field covers the art of secure digital communications that is now being exploited for
commercial and industrial purposes. In the next several years hardly anyone will escape being
involved, in some way, with spread spectrum communications. Applications for commercial
spread spectrum range from "wireless" LAN's (computer to computer local area networks), to
integrated bar code scanner/palmtop computer/radio modem devices for warehousing, to digital
dispatch, to digital cellular telephone communications, to "information society" city/area/state or
country wide networks for passing faxes, computer data, email, or multimedia data.
The IEEE Spectrum of August, 1990 contained an article entitled Spread Spectrum Goes
Commercial, by Donald L. Schilling of City College of New
York, Raymond L. Pickholtz of George Washington University, and Laurence B. Milstein of UC
San Diego. This article summarized the coming of commercial spread spectrum:
"Spread-spectrum radio communications, long a favorite technology of the military because it
resists jamming and is hard for an enemy to intercept, is now on the verge of potentially explosive
commercial development. The reason: spread-spectrum signals, which are distributed over a wide
range of frequencies and then collected onto their original frequency at the receiver, are so
inconspicuous as to be 'transparent.' Just as they are unlikely to be intercepted by a military
opponent, so are they unlikely to interfere with other signals intended for business and consumer
users -- even ones transmitted on the same frequencies. Such an advantage opens up crowded
frequency spectra to vastly expanded use.
"A case in point is a two-year demonstration project the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) authorized in May (1990) for Houston, Texas, and Orlando, Fla. In both places, a new
spread spectrum personal communications network (PCN) will share the 1.85-1.9-gigahertz band
with local electric and gas utilities. The FCC licensee, Millicom Inc., a New York City-based
cellular telephone company, expects to enlist 45000 subscribers.
"The demonstration is intended to show that spread-spectrum users can share a frequency band
with conventional microwave radio users--without one group interfering with the other -- thereby
increasing the efficiency with which that band is used. . . . "
How Spread Spectrum Works
Spread Spectrum uses wide band, noise-like signals. Because Spread Spectrum signals are
noise-like, they are hard to detect. Spread Spectrum signals are also hard to Intercept or
demodulate. Further, Spread Spectrum signals are harder to jam (interfere with) than narrowband
signals. These Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) and anti-jam (AJ) features are why the military
has used Spread Spectrum for so many years. Spread signals are intentionally made to be much
wider band than the information they are carrying to make them more noise-like.
Spread Spectrum signals use fast codes that run many times the information bandwidth or data
rate. These special "Spreading" codes are called "Pseudo Random" or "Pseudo Noise" codes.
They are called "Pseudo" because they are not real gaussian noise.
Spread Spectrum transmitters use similar transmit power levels to narrow band transmitters.
Because Spread Spectrum signals are so wide, they transmit at a much lower spectral power
density, measured in Watts per Hertz, than narrowband transmitters. This lower transmitted
power density characteristic gives spread signals a big plus. Spread and narrow band signals can
occupy the same band, with little or no interference. This capability is the main reason for all the
interest in Spread Spectrum today.
More Details on Spread Spectrum
Over the last 50 years, a class of modulation techniques usually called "Spread Spectrum," has
been developed. This group of modulation techniques is characterized by its wide frequency
spectra. The modulated output signals occupy a much greater bandwidth than the signal's baseband
information bandwidth. To qualify as a spread spectrum signal, two criteria should be met:
- The transmitted signal bandwidth is much greater than the information bandwidth.
- Some function other than the information being transmitted is employed to determine
the resultant transmitted bandwidth.

A Spectrum Analyzer Photo of a Direct Sequence (DS) Spread Spectrum signal.
Most commercial part 15.247 spread spectrum systems transmit an RF signal bandwidth as wide as
20 to 254 times the bandwidth of the information being sent. Some spread spectrum systems have
employed RF bandwidths 1000 times their information bandwidth. Common spread spectrum
systems are of the "direct sequence" or "frequency hopping" type, or else some combination of
these two types (called a "hybrid").

A Spectrum Analyzer Photo of a Frequency Hop (FH) Spread Spectrum signal.
There are also "Time Hopped" and "Chirp" systems in existence. Time hopped spread spectrum
systems have found no commercial application to date. However, the arrival of cheap random
access memory (RAM) and fast micro-controller chips make time hopping a viable alternative
spread spectrum technique for the future. "Chirp" signals are often employed in radar systems and
only rarely used in commercial spread spectrum systems.
Direct sequence systems -- Direct sequence spread spectrum systems are so called because they
employ a high speed code sequence, along with the basic information being sent, to modulate their
RF carrier. The high speed code sequence is used directly to modulate the carrier, thereby directly
setting the transmitted RF bandwidth. Binary code sequences as short as 11 bits or as long as
[2^(89) - 1] have been employed for this purpose, at code rates from under a bit per second to several
hundred megabits per second.
The result of modulating an RF carrier with such a code sequence is to produce a signal centered
at the carrier frequency, direct sequence modulated spread spectrum with a (sin x/x)2 frequency
spectrum. The main lobe of this spectrum has a bandwidth twice the clock rate of the modulating
code, from null to null. The sidelobes have a null to null bandwidth equal to the code's clock rate.
Figure 1 illustrates the most common type of direct sequence modulated spread spectrum signal.
Direct sequence spectra vary somewhat in spectral shape depending upon the actual carrier and
data modulation used. The signal illustrated is that for a binary phase shift keyed (BPSK) signal,
which is the most common modulation signal type used in direct sequence systems.
Frequency hopping systems -- The wideband frequency spectrum desired is generated in a
different manner in a frequency hopping system. It does just what its name implies. That is, it
"hops" from frequency to frequency over a wide band. The specific order in which frequencies are
occupied is a function of a code sequence, and the rate of hopping from one frequency to another
is a function of the information rate. The transmitted spectrum of a frequency hopping signal is
quite different from that of a direct sequence system. Instead of a [(sin x)/x]^2-shaped envelope, the
frequency hopper's output is flat over the band of frequencies used. Figure 2 shows an output
spectrum of a frequency hopping system. The bandwidth of a frequency hopping signal is simply
w times the number of frequency slots available, where w is the bandwidth of each hop channel.
"Inside" Spread Spectrum
This section is intended to gently introduce the reader to the more intricate
aspects of the rapidly growing world of spread
spectrum, wireless local and wide area networks, as well as introduce the evolution (some may
call it explosion) in new communications technologies such as PCN/PCS. We will also try to
thoroughly define new terms and concepts the first time we use them.
As an introduction, a little history lesson and a few definitions seem to be in order. Spread
Spectrum (SS) dates back to World War II. A German lady scientist was granted a patent on a
simple frequency hopping CW system. The allies also experimented with spread spectrum in
World War II. These early research and development efforts tried to provide countermeasures for
radar, navigation beacons and communications. The U. S. Military has used SS signals over
satellites for at least 25 years. An old, but faithful, highly capable design like the Magnavox
USC-28 modem is an example of this kind of equipment. Housed in two or three six foot racks, it
had selectable data rates from a few hundred bits per second to about 64 kBits per second. It
transmitted a spread bandwidth of 60 MHZ. Many newer commercial satellite systems are now
converting to SS to increase channel capacity and reduce costs.
Over the last twenty years, many spread spectrum signals have appeared on the air. The easiest
way to characterize these modulations is by their frequency spectra. These SS signals occupy a
much greater bandwidth than needed by the information bandwidth of the transmitted data. To
rate being called an SS signal, two technicalities must be met:
- The signal bandwidth must be much wider than the information bandwidth.
- Some code or pattern, other than the data to be transmitted, determines the actual on-the-air
transmit bandwidth.
In today's commercial spread spectrum systems, bandwidths of 10 to 100 times the information
rates are used. Military systems have used spectrum widths from 1000 to 1 million times the
information bandwidth. There are two very common spread spectrum modulations: frequency
hopping and direct sequence. At least two other types of spreading modulations have been used:
time hopping and chirp.
What Exactly is Spread Spectrum?
One way to look at spread spectrum is that it trades a wider signal bandwidth for better signal to
noise ratio. Frequency hop and direct sequence are well-known techniques today. The following
paragraphs will describe each of these common techniques in a little more detail and show that
pseudo noise code techniques provide the common thread through all spread spectrum types.
Frequency hopping is the easiest spread spectrum modulation to use. Any radio with a digitally
controlled frequency synthesizer can, theoretically, be converted to a frequency hopping radio.
This conversion requires the addition of a pseudo noise (PN) code generator to select the
frequencies for transmission or reception. Most hopping systems use uniform frequency hopping
over a band of frequencies. This is not absolutely necessary, if both the transmitter and receiver
of the system know in advance what frequencies are to be skipped. Thus a frequency hopper in
two meters, could be made that skipped over commonly used repeater frequency pairs. A
frequency hopped system can use analog or digital carrier modulation and can be designed using
conventional narrow band radio techniques. De-hopping in the receiver is done by a synchronized
pseudo noise code generator that drives the receiver's local oscillator frequency synthesizer.
The most practical, all digital version of SS is direct sequence. A direct sequence system uses a
locally generated pseudo noise code to encode digital data to be transmitted. The local code runs
at much higher rate than the data rate. Data for transmission is simply logically modulo-2 added
(an EXOR operation) with the faster pseudo noise code. The composite pseudo noise and data
can be passed through a data scrambler to randomize the output spectrum (and thereby remove
discrete spectral lines). A direct sequence modulator is then used to double sideband suppressed
carrier modulate the carrier frequency to be transmitted. The resultant DSB suppressed carrier
AM modulation can also be thought of as binary phase shift keying (BPSK). Carrier modulation
other than BPSK is possible with direct sequence. However, binary phase shift keying is the
simplest and most often used SS modulation technique.
An SS receiver uses a locally generated replica pseudo noise code and a receiver correlator to
separate only the desired coded information from all possible signals. A SS correlator can be
thought of as a very special matched filter -- it responds only to signals that are encoded with a
pseudo noise code that matches its own code. Thus, an SS correlator can be "tuned" to different
codes simply by changing its local code. This correlator does not respond to man made, natural
or artificial noise or interference. It responds only to SS signals with identical matched signal
characteristics and encoded with the identical pseudo noise code.
What Spread Spectrum Does
The use of these special pseudo noise codes in spread spectrum (SS) communications makes
signals appear wide band and noise-like. It is this very characteristic that makes SS signals
possess the quality of Low Probability of Intercept. SS signals are hard to detect on narrow band
equipment because the signal's energy is spread over a bandwidth of maybe 100 times the
information bandwidth.
The spread of energy over a wide band, or lower spectral power density, makes SS signals less
likely to interfere with narrowband communications. Narrow band communications, conversely,
cause little to no interference to SS systems because the correlation receiver effectively integrates
over a very wide bandwidth to recover an SS signal. The correlator then "spreads" out a narrow
band interferer over the receiver's total detection bandwidth. Since the total integrated signal
density or SNR at the correlator's input determines whether there will be interference or not. All
SS systems have a threshold or tolerance level of interference beyond which useful
communication ceases. This tolerance or threshold is related to the SS processing gain.
Processing gain is essentially the ratio of the RF bandwidth to the information bandwidth.
A typical commercial direct sequence radio, might have a processing gain of from 11 to 16 dB,
depending on data rate. It can tolerate total jammer power levels of from 0 to 5 dB stronger than
the desired signal. Yes, the system can work at negative SNR in the RF bandwidth. Because of
the processing gain of the receiver's correlator, the system functions at positive SNR on the
baseband data.
Besides being hard to intercept and jam, spread spectrum signals are hard to exploit or spoof.
Signal exploitation is the ability of an enemy (or a non-network member) to listen in to a network
and use information from the network without being a valid network member or participant.
Spoofing is the act of falsely or maliciously introducing misleading or false traffic or messages to a
network. SS signals also are naturally more secure than narrowband radio communications. Thus
SS signals can be made to have any degree of message privacy that is desired. Messages can also,
be cryptographically encoded to any level of secrecy desired. The very nature of SS allows
military or intelligence levels of privacy and security to be had with minimal complexity. While
these characteristics may not be very important to everyday business and LAN (local area
network) needs, these features are important to understand.
Some Spread Spectrum Terms Defined
Spread spectrum technology seems to present an alphabet soup to most newcomers. We define
some of the more commonly used terms in this field in the following text box. For a complete
glossary, see our complete Glossary.
A Brief Spread Spectrum Glossary
For more definitions of spread spectrum terms, please visit our Technical Glossary.
- AJ: Anti-Jam, designed to resist interference or jamming.
- BPSK: Binary Phase Shift Keying -- Digital DSB suppressed carrier modulation.
- CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access -- a way to increase channel capacity.
- CHIP: The time it takes to transmit a bit or single symbol of a PN code.
- CODE: A digital bit stream with noise-like characteristics.
- CORRELATOR: The SS receiver compponent that demodulates a Spread Spectrum signal.
- DE-SPREADING: The process used by a correlator to recover narrowband information from a spread spectrum signal.
- WIRELESS LAN: Wireless Local Area Network - a 1,000-foot or less range computer-to-computer
data communications network.
- PCN: Personal Communication Network. PCNs are usually short range
(hundreds of feet to 1 mile or so) and involve cellular radio type architecture.
Services include digital voice, FAX, mobile data and national/international data communications.
- PCS: Personal Communication System. PCSs are usually associated with
cordless telephone type devices. Service is typically digital voice only.
- PN: Pseudo Noise - a digital signal with noise-like properties.
- RF: Radio Frequency - generally a frequency from around 50 kHz to
around 3 GHz. RF is usually referred to whenever a signal is radiated through the air.
- SS: Spread Spectrum, a wideband modulation which imparts noise-like characteristics to an RF signal.
- WIRELESS UAN: Wireless Universe Area Network - a collection of
wireless MANs or WANs that link together an entire nation or the world.
UANs use very small aperture (VSAT) earth station gateway technology.
Our world is rapidly changing -- computers have gone from mainframes to palmtops. Radio
communications has gone from lunchbox sized (or trunk mounted/remote handset car phone) to
cigarette-pack-sized micro-cellular telephone technology. The technical challenges of this
progress are significant. The new opportunities created by this new technology are also significant.
We've talked here about some of the very basic principles in spread spectrum and talked about
evolving career opportunities -- isn't it time somebody did something about moving forward in
the new millennium?
About the Author:
Randy Roberts has over 30 years experience in
communications, electronics and spread spectrum system design. He graduated with a BSEE in 1970
from UC Irvine. For many years prior to his retirement in 2002 he operated RF/Spread Spectrum Consulting,
an independent product development, publishing, strategic planning and training company.
He is the founder and former publisher of Spread Spectrum Scene Online.