Ryan's Page

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Ryan is 21 years old and finishing his Junior year at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He is majoring in
Materials Science and Engineering with a concentration in nanomaterials. He works at the Oak Ridge National Lab in the
Bio-Inspired Nanomaterials Group, and plans to go on to graduate school for a PhD. He enjoys reading, computer and
video gaming, tennis, chess, and hanging out with his friends. He plays viola (though not much any more) and enjoys music in a wide range
of styles. He hates this page and wants everyone to understand that he has nothing to do with its existence
or maintenance. This is all his Mom's idea.


Above: Ryan's blue point Siamese, The Admiral
Picture left: Ryan jumping (photo credit: McKenzie Pearce)


Ryan, home from college, November 2006

Ryan's "formal" senior picture, Summer 2005
Autobiographical Poem
-- by Ryan Pearce, Spring 2001
I was born in
the year of the Rabbit.
My parents are consultants -
A life made of worry about money
My father told me about
the use of computational devices
My mother yelled at me
but not enough to make a difference
My father told me
I would be a slob
part of a mob
and a lowlife
I haven't left my parents home
under my own power
I live in the middle of Nowhere
a collector of junk
loose ends
and insane comments
My sister says I have
metamorphosized from a duck
I have a craving for power
and high computer bandwidth

Ryan Pearce, April 2003 -- kill that tennis ball!

Ryan at 13, May 2001

Ryan Pearce, 7/02 |

Back as a little kid in 1996, in his wizard Halloween costume |

254 Babbs Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Tel: 865-300-7607; text or leave message for callback
This site © 2001-2009 by
Fern Hill Farm All rights reserved.
Revised April 8, 2009