Rumors & Ramblings
- Harris Semiconductor has announced the PRISM, 2.4 GHz DSSS Chipset for part 15,
FCC ISM applications. With Alpha site samples available in June '95, Betas in
December '95 and production chips due in January 1996, these chipsets are
apparently only more "vapor," at press time. Contact your Harris Semi
Rep to get a look at their briefing charts.
- The fabless GaAs MMIC house, Stanford Microdevices, has announced several
new parts, including 100-4200 MHz LANs, 1 to 4 Watt - 2.4 GHz PAs and other
devices for the emerging Wireless market. Stanford's parts have performed petty
well for us in our lab tests, but are a bit "pricey" Contact them at 1-800-764-6642.
- Look into a new line of Low Noise Amps from Advanced RF Design, Inc. at 609-448-0910.
These low cost, high quality designs are available for a wide rang of VHF and UHF frequencies.
- AMBER Technologies is now shipping the full WINDOWS version of the highly
capable commlink simulation program ACCOLADE. Call 508-369-0515 for more
information and a sample disk.
- Seen any impact of the "FCC's PCS Spectrum" auctions yet? Noticed
your April 17 tax bill going down? The next auction round starts soon for small
and minority businesses -- we'll see who wins!
Send us your latest rumors or tidbits for inclusion here.
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