Rumors & Ramblings
- The FCC, in June, adopted modifications to the proposed PCS Band Plan and revised
its Second Report and Order (see Gen. Docket 90-3147).
- Heard of the Wireless Communications Alliance? It's a new Silicon Valley group
for the exchange of info which meets monthly. Contact: Sequoia Telecom, Tel:
415-364-9200 or FAX: 415-364-9202.
- The FCC Docket 93-61, aka The Part 15 Coalition (and NTIA) Initiative has
resulted in a Notice of Inquiry and a second round of comments (closed in June).
Final results should be available soon -- I'll bet that we lose some unlicensed
902 MHZ spectrum!
- Mr. David Summer, K1ZZ, ARRL Exec. V.P. recently wrote about our last
editorial. David takes issue with our statement indicating the ARRL Board
of Director's lack of support of SS technology.
Mr. Sumner does have a valid point: The ARRL, for years has supported SS -- evidence the ARRL
Spread Spectrum Sourcebook. But he missed my real point entirely -- it's high time that the antiquated FCC rules on ham SS operations were modified. I congratulate the Board on finally supporting this move!
Send us your latest rumors or tidbits for inclusion here
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